A Toast Heard ‘Round the World begins December 26th! PGIAA will offer its 11th Annual Celebration in a “reflective” format This year’s celebration, while honoring Pacifica, its [...]
Reflections on ‘Portals to the Imaginal’ Dear Pacifica Friends, I was able to attend the in-person reopening of Pacifica’s Ladera campus. The conference, Portals to the [...]
C. G. Jung Society of Seattle’s Nancy Alvord Library Dear Pacifica current graduate students and alumni, At the beginning of this year, I became a caretaker and librarian for the C. G. Jung [...]
A Letter of Gratitude from Stephen Aizenstat Dear Dianne and the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association, Last night you came together and offered me the gift of my life. Grace, Grit, and [...]
PGIAA Welcomes Pacifica’s New President/CEO PGIAA is excited to welcome New President/CEO, Dr. Leonie H. Mattison, EdD, MBA to Pacifica Graduate Institute, as our fourth president, [...]