C. G. Jung Society of Seattle’s Nancy Alvord Library Dear Pacifica current graduate students and alumni, At the beginning of this year, I became a caretaker and librarian for the C. G. Jung [...]
Justin James Dixon Obituary Born July 4, 1968, Rockville, Connecticut. Died October 8th, 2022, Tucson, Arizona Survived by his husband, Dale Thompson, his parents Jerry and Marjorie Dixon, his [...]
A Letter of Gratitude from Stephen Aizenstat Dear Dianne and the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association, Last night you came together and offered me the gift of my life. Grace, Grit, and [...]
Dr. Michael Conforti is coming to the Myth Salon! This Thursday, October 13 at 5PM Pacific – Will and I are pleased to bring Dr. Michael Conforti, founder of the Assisi Institute, the [...]
Andrew Winegarner Wins Best Documentary with ‘Creativity’ Alumus Andrew Winegarner’s (Ph.D. in Mythological Studies, 2021) “Creativity” WON Best Documentary Film for Sept. 2022, [...]
In Memoriam: Sylvia Anne Hoagland Sylvia Anne Hoagland was born November 14, 1936 to Nicholas and Claudia (nee Stewart) Naranick at St. Frances Hospital in Peoria, Illinois. She died on September [...]
Kelli Dawn Ewing (February 1976 – June 2022) Her middle name being Dawn, Kelli was aptly named. Dawn is the beginning of the day. The time when the world awakes. You never know what the day [...]
PGIAA Welcomes Pacifica’s New President/CEO PGIAA is excited to welcome New President/CEO, Dr. Leonie H. Mattison, EdD, MBA to Pacifica Graduate Institute, as our fourth president, [...]