In In Memoriam

Kelli Dawn Ewing

(February 1976 – June 2022)

Her middle name being Dawn, Kelli was aptly named. Dawn is the beginning of the day. The time when the world awakes. You never know what the day is holding for you. Kelli was like that. Most times you got sunshine, other times it was blustery to thunder and lightning. This was her personality. It was not easily exposed to people. Trust was a very big part of her life.

Kelli loved nature. She especially loved water… lakes, streams, creeks, and the ocean. She was an excellent swimmer. Kelli always put others before herself. Kelli was unselfish. Kelli lived a humble life, highly intelligent, with a witty, cleverly sarcastic sense of humor, a great sense of humor, smart humor which meant those around her had to pay attention to keep up with her.

Kelli stood up for others. If she witnessed an injustice against someone or something, she spoke up. She wanted people to be better people. She didn’t like rudeness or bad behavior. Kelli made people feel safe.

Kelli was rational, and thought ” outside of the box”, being ahead of her time.

Kelli remained “young at heart”. She loved crowds, she loved to dance and had the best taste in music. Kelli was an artist. She loved to travel. Kelli loved adventure and was always willing to try new things and go to new places. Kelli had excellent navigation skills and always “knew” how to get where she was going, and “where” she was going.

Kelli loved to help people and saw things for what they were.

Kelli didn’t worry about the “wordly” problems, Kelli didn’t live her life in fear.

Kelli was a great speaker. Presentations and such, she did with ease. Kelli could meditate for long periods of time taking in everything around her. Kelli had clarity. She did not live her life in a fog. Kelli went through life with her eyes wide open.

Kelli was filled with love, hope, and compassion.

Kelli Dawn Ewing of Santa Rosa, California.
Data Analyst for Petaluma Health Center

Kelli touched the lives of many and will be remembered and missed.
Beloved Kelli, may you rest in peace…

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