A “Key Voices” blog, Pacifica Admissions collects the Pacifica Admissions team’s posts to Pacifica’s growing family of alums.
Some Remarkable Things About 2012 Admissions
| originally posted on 8 Nov 2012
Wendy Overend, Ph.D. serves as Director of Admissions for Pacifica Graduate Institute.
The enrollment cycle for 2012 has now closed, and I’m happy to report that more than 300 students began classes at Pacifica this year! We are delighted with all the new students and thank you as always for your continued support of our recruitment efforts. Your word-of-mouth referrals are key to our success!
We are so much more technological now that our website plays a key role: we have great videos of alums who tell of their experiences at Pacifica, and we have an online application form that buzzes with activity each day of the year. You may see some of these developments on our Pacifica Graduate Institute website.
Another recent development is an increase in the number of men who are choosing Pacifica programs. Yes, we even had a Cohort W in Counseling, which for the first time ever in our history has more men than women enrolled and sitting in class this year!
Also this year we launched our first Friday-Saturday-Sunday session option for our Mythological Studies program. A dozen or so new myth students already have their doctorates and are interested in engaging their passion with the literature, exploring the work of Joseph Campbell, and involving themselves in the depth-oriented curriculum in this unique program of study. Their interest speaks volumes about our culture of lifelong learning.
I wish you well as we enter the holiday season and events; we appreciate each of you and your ongoing commitment to our work in Admissions. Thank you all!
Wendy Overend, Ph.D.