Possibilities in an Unclear Future
This morning I was awaken by the blaring sound of ambulance sirens racing down my street. In a state of an emergency those sirens are eerily louder and disturbing than usual. My wife and I entered Trader Joe’s last night grabbing two carts each thinking we were going to stock up for a couple of weeks. When we arrived in separate aisles we were dazed by then emptiness of the shelves, we returned one cart, and after shopping left with only one bag of groceries. We are all in a place unknown to most of us. A place that has the semblance of what we knew to be real just a week ago, but is quickly metamorphosizing into an unclear future for all of us.
“Social Distancing” has become a set phrase we hear multiple times a day through the news, social media, and amongst family. Social distancing has become the new norm. And, let’s remember to practice distancing in public and with those who show obvious symptoms, and let’s also remember that from our homes when can focus on those things that need TLC. Take this time catch up with loved ones, heal relationships, play board games with your kids, take a break from social media and connect with those you know in new ways. It was in 1665 during the Great Plague that Cambridge sent students home as a precautionary measure. The year 1666, which he spent away from Cambridge at his estate, is termed as Sir Issac Newton’s annus mirabilis, his “wonder year” when he began work on his discoveries in the fields of calculus, motion, optics and gravitation.
Take some time to get some work done on that book you’ve been imagining or start planning the next steps in your career or retirement. This is time to unglue ourselves from our screens and focus on that which is near and dear to our hearts. Possibly explore where you can support local nonprofits that are operating to serve locals in need of help during this time. Remember, we do better when we do it together!
As a reminder for anyone who may have symptoms of sickness – such as coughing, fever, or trouble breathing – you should not come to the Center. Please stay home, call your doctor, or go to the hospital emergency room. Continue to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Cough into your elbow and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. As always, you can continue to keep yourself personally informed by visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
We extend our sympathy to all those affected by the Coronavirus and our empathy to all of our families concerned about their health and the health of their friends and families. Please take care of yourselves, and thanks again for all your cooperation as we move through this time together.
Be safe and be well,
Harry Grammer
PGIAA Board President