On Wednesday September 12, the Myth Salon will have the very special honor of welcoming Dr. Greg Salyer, President of the University of Philosophical Research – which for those unfamiliar UPR, evolved from the early 20th century occult wisdom seeds of Manly Palmer Hall, who created the campus of the Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz. Greg will bring to the Myth Salon a distillation of his 10-week lecture series “Mythic Couples and their Modern Meanings,” using the archetypal construct of the sacred marriage, the Hieros Gamos, and the stories of Psyche & Eros, Odysseus & Penelope, Kali & Shiva, Tristan & Iseult, and Adam & Eve to explore how cultures traverse the interplay between the masculine and the feminine.
Since taking the helm of UPR, each term, Greg has conceived and delivered a brilliant series of Tuesday night public lectures in the UPR auditorium. His current lecture series is “Passages: Texts, Contexts and the Ways to Wisdom.” As I have told Greg, every mile and every minute in traffic from Santa Monica to Los Feliz is redeemed by the superb content of his talks and his engaging personality. If you have not visited the UPR website or campus, I urge you to do so.
Here is the UPR link: https://www.uprs.edu/who-we-are.html.
On Wednesday October 17, the Myth Salon will feature Amanda Yates Garcia, whom I know many have been looking forward to her Myth Salon night with much anticipation. In anticipation of the Autumnal Equinox (Saturday, September 22), Amanda’s presentation is entitled “Allies & Initiations: Introductory Practices of the Art Witch.” In witchcraft, she reminds us, there are no spectators. All witches are participants. At Allies & Initiations, art witch Amanda Yates Garcia invites you to participate in a hybrid salon – part workshop, part lecture, part ceremony, part spell – to conjure your artistic allies and initiate yourself into the cult of the art witch. Using the power of the imagination, participants will travel into the liminal territories where the subjects of art, magic, healing, witchcraft, feminism, power, authority, imagination and care dance in a circle of evocation.
Amanda Yates Garcia is an artist, writer, witch, healer and the Oracle of Los Angeles. Recent performance rituals include Capitalism Exorcism at Human Resources and Devouring Patriarchy at the Women’s Center for Creative Work. Her work has also been featured at the Getty Villa, Side Street Projects, the Hammer Museum, REDCAT, Public Fiction, ESMOA, Highways Performance Space, San Diego Art Institute, and the Laband and Ben Maltz galleries among others. Yates Garcia hosted the Oracle Hour for three years on KCHUNG radio; teaches the Magical Praxis monthly mystery school; has lectured on witchcraft at UCLA, Cal State Pomona, and UC Irvine; and performs private rites of healing and empowerment at her magical studio in West Adams. Her writing has been featured in publications such as CARLA, Black Clock, the Rough Magick anthology, Entropy, Synema Publikationen, and WITCH. Her book, Initiated: The Wayward Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Witch, will be released in 2019, published by Grand Central Books.
In addition to serving as a feature of Pacifica’s extended community that includes faculty and staff, students, and alumni, The Myth Salon serves those cultivating their interests in Jungian, Depth Psychology and cultural studies. Each month, the Myth Salon gathers together with an invited presenter in the living room of my Santa Monica home from 7-9pm for an evening of mythic content, ritual and discussion that is moderated by Dr. Will Linn.
If you have friends who might wish to receive the Myth Salon email announcements, or you desire to attend either or both of the upcoming Myth Salons, please contact:
Dana C. White, PhD
Host – The Myth Salon
2623 29th Street,
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 450-9101