As Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Director of Alumni Relations, Dianne Travis-Teague facilitates collaborations between the Office of the Chancellor and the Alumni Association to extend and nurture the Pacifica experience in the world. News & Notes collects her posts to Pacifica’s growing family of alums.
Hello from New Orleans!
| originally posted on 8 Aug 2012
I arrived in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, on Monday afternoon, and, yes, it is hot and humid here! Still, I am “jumping at the bit” (southern lingo for totally excited) to share with you news from our Alumni Gathering and Reception last night at the beautiful and historic Bourbon Orleans Hotel.
“Thank you for coming to New Orleans.” “Wonderful!” “Gracias.” “Much needed!”
“What took you so long?”
These are but a few of the warm greetings I have received. As most of you know, New Orleans was a city in crisis. It now symbolizes community, home, hope, possibility, promise, and spirit — all of which embodies the “soul” of our Alumni Association. We are indeed privileged to be here!
We were fortunate to secure St. Anne’s Cottage & Garden Patio as the location for our New Orleans gathering. The Cottage offers a quiet sense of the past, present, and future. I watched as Nancy Cater of Spring Journal greeted Jennifer Selig, and as Marcy De Veaux embraced native New Orleans resident Sandra Thomas — who, by the way, gave us a touching history of the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. We chatted with current students Gustavo Beck, Michelle Rivera-Clonch, and John Valenzuela. Imagine my surprise and joy when John told me he had formerly worked in Pacifica’s admissions group with Diane Huerta, lives in Ojai, and had decided to return to school following a life-threatening illness! (He’s well now, and anticipates graduation as a member of the Class of 2013). Pacifica faculty member Susan Rowland joined us, too.
Also, in attendance and sharing our gathering was the Board of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS). It was delightful to have them support our efforts. The evening was everything Pacifica, truly delightful in every way.
I shared the Association’s journey to the “nine-month” milestone and highlighted plans for future events. Alums expressed eagerness to participate in planned events in their area and were very appreciative. Jennifer Selig welcomed alumni, current students, and the JSSS Board. Steve Aizenstat discussed his role as Chancellor, the activities of the Office of External Affairs, the Global Dream Initiative, a PBS film project, and more.
This morning we joined JSSS for its conference opening, where Dr. Samuel Kimbles was the keynote speaker. I was warmly greeted by Diane Coffey (Northeast Regional Coordinator) and Dennis & Rebecca Pottinger (Sacramento Regional Coordinators). Over the course of the conference’s three-day meeting, some 25 Pacifica alums and several current students will address the group under the theme “Affect and Action: Psyche in a Time of Crisis.”
Imagine my pride for the Alumni Association as I share details of this event with you. Wish you were here!
Collected here, with posting dates, are observations made in the “Comments” section included with the original appearance of this article at the initial website of Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association. Please feel welcome to offer additional notes in the current “Comments” function.
Melvin Allen | 29 Sept 2012
After reading about your experience in Austin, I wondered if we have something like this in L.A., and if so how does one find out? I am inspired to know I have an extended family in Texas. Your adventure in Austin makes going to Pacifica for a Ph.D. a little bit more enjoyable: I’ll be connected with a larger group of people who dance to a different beat.
Linda Hainline | 29 Sept 2012
It was wonderful, so enjoyed the experience and meeting everyone. Looking forward to our next connection.
Diane P. Coffey, Ph.D. | 12 Aug 2012
Lovely gathering. Thank you Dianne for your gracious hospitality. New Orleans was indeed an extraordinary venue.
Holly McClung Reusing | 9 Aug t 2012
Such a lovely report to let us know how things went and a treat to see the ongoings reaching farther and farther. Yay!
Sherrie Sims Allen | 8 Aug 2012
Brava, Dianne and the Alumni Association! Sounds like another successful gathering. What a fabulous conference to connect alums! Make us proud, ya’ll!
Marcy De Veaux | 8 Aug 2012
You did us proud, Dianne! It was a warm, inviting, and lovely reception. I’m glad my flight landed in time to get there!
Thyonne Gordon | 9 Aug 2012
Diane, thank you for such a visual sharing of the soul of Pacifica in New Orleans! You are an amazing force helping to assure we fulfill our mission not just while at the institution but, beyond. Thank you!