A Gathering to Offer Tribute and Celebrate the Life and Work of James Hillman convened at the Ladera campus of Pacifica Graduate Institute over the weekend of 2-4 March 2012.
•| 2 March Highlights |•
• reception & exhibition | Opus Archives & Research Center
James Hillman: The Roots of Archetypal Psychology and the Blossoming of Soul’s Imagination
•| 3 March Highlights |•
• Bison Film’s Hillman Tribute Montage | Russ Spencer
• Remembering James | Stephen Aizenstat
• Welcome | Carol Pearson
• From Attic to Basement, and In Between | Safron Rossi
• concurrent sessions
• tours | Opus Archives & Research Center
• James Hillman: Three Memories and a Poem | Dennis Patrick Slattery
• Economics and the Repression of the Work Instinct | Michael Sipiora
• Shipwreck and Revolution: The Occupy Movement from the Perspective of James Hillman’s Work | Mary Watkins
• The Image of the Living Fence: Seeing Through the Boundaries of the Field | Joe Coppin
• Befriending Ideas | Glen Slater
• Death and Aesthetics: The Play of Language in the Gap Between the Underworld and the Beauty of the World | Robert Romanyshyn
• Taking One’s Time in a Lasting Life | Ed Casey
• Lasting, Leaving, Left: Ars Moriendi | Ginette Paris
• Closing Remarks | Stephen Aizenstat
• The Thought of the Heart | Michael Meade
•| 4 March Highlights |•
• Invocation | Maren Hansen
• “Devar ‘Aher: On the Other Handle” | David Miller
• Student & Alumni SPARKS
|≈ Hillman As Image | Jason Butler | photo • Kathee Miller
“He has been father to my thought and psychopomp to my soul — and for that I have the most profound gratitude.”
|≈ A Tribute to James Hillman | Matthew Green | photo • Kathee Miller
“Now, the genius of Hillman’s work in my appreciation is his differentiation of imagining: image, personifying, aesthetic response, notitia, pausing, digesting, and so on. These are not simply abstract concepts, but the very real dynamics of imagining that allow us to engage an encounter with the heart and turn an event into experience, into soul.”
|≈ A Tribute to James Hillman | Elizabeth Ann Robinson | photo • Kathee Miller
“My loss when James died was like losing a great mentor. I imagine it to be the same for a lover of poetry, brought to tears when thinking of the death of a great poet that came before.”
|≈ For the Sake of the Soul | Jennifer Sandoval | photo • Kathee Miller
“I remember Dr. Hillman’s visit to our first year class. Not yet familiar with his work, I was bold (or ignorant) enough to ask him “where” he thought the unconscious resided. He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, then said rather brusquely that we ought to just get rid of that term — that words such as anima, ego, and the unconscious were all just nonsense and got in the way of a person living their life.”
|≈ Of Nightmares, Beasts, and Borders | Gustavo Beck Urrioagoitia | photo • Kathee Miller
• Closing Spiral | Mary Watkins
• The Tree of Memory | Michael Meade & Marshall Chrostowski
• Invocation | Maren Hansen
• tours | Opus Archives & Research Center
Please also refer to this Special Sections’ opening article “Remembering James Hillman.”
Many expansive and illuminating observations and homages were posted in the “Reflections” section included with the original appearance of this article at the initial website of Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association. You may see them collected together at the Hillman “Reflections” feature.