Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Weekend of Events 2024
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Committe Santa barbara 17th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Weekend Thursday, Jan. 11; 11AM – 12Noon; 12PM – 2PM Reception University of California, [...]

Gainful Employment Rule: What Students Should Know
Gainful Employment Rule: What Students Should Know The Biden-Harris Administration recently released final regulations that establish the most effective set of safeguards ever against [...]

Career Counseling with Dr. Lynn K. Jones, PCC
Career Counseling with Dr. Lynn K. Jones, PCC Dr. Lynn K. Jones coaches individuals to navigate transitions and create new unimagined futures. Lynn’s career coaching client’s author a new story, [...]

Hate Crimes Continue in the U.S.
Through awareness, activism, and education perhaps we can witness a downtrend of hate crime in the U.S.

COMMUNITY TOWN HALL: President & CEO Report on the Listening, Learning, & Connecting Tour
COMMUNITY TOWN HALL President & CEO Report on the Listening, Learning, & Connecting Tour Tuesday, April 11 at 11AM PT (to be held concurrently in the Ladera Barrett Center and virtually) [...]

Pacifica Proudly Announces Dr. Leonie Mattison as President and CEO of Pacifica Graduate Institute
Pacifica Proudly Announces Dr. Leonie Mattison as President and CEO of Pacifica Graduate Institute Dear Members of the Pacifica Community, On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the [...]

Leadership Transition of the Clinical Psychology Program
Leadership Transition of the Clinical Psychology Program Please be informed of an important transition in the leadership of our Clinical Psychology Program. Dr. Jennifer Sandoval will soon be [...]