Covid Journeys – a virtual Myth Salon: Transforming Consciousness with Chris Vogler & Panelists
With the Covid crisis still unfolding, the first thing to say is that my heart goes out to those of you carrying personal and family concerns; which, by now, seems to be most of us. —Will Linn
This is an invitation to Covid Journeys with Chris Vogler & Panelists – a virtual Myth Salon meets Transforming Consciousness
- Thursday from 5-7 PM (Pacific Time)
- Registration can be completed by following this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TsKMaMnPRW6VdAW06ltyhg
- More Detail can be found in the Post Script
FORMAT: Transforming Consciousness is a panel of mythologists, psychologists and philosophers reflecting on the Covid crisis. The Myth Salon, which has been held in the home of Dana White for the last four years, hosts special guests. We’ve decided to synthesize these formats, which means the special guest will pollenate the panel’s discussion. We’re also inviting our friends from the Myth Salon and all over the world to participate in the chat and contribute questions.
THURSDAY AT 5PM: we’ll be hosting Christopher Vogler, author of Writers’ Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, who will share his mythic reflections about the journey we’re in. Chris is the most read living mythologist in Hollywood and across the media landscape.
The events are led by:
- Host: Dana White, PhD– Contributing faculty – Pacifica Graduate Institute – scholar, author, editor
- Moderator: Will Linn, PhD– Founding Chair of General Education – Studio School; Editor – Joseph Campbell Foundation
The Honored Panelists include:
- Patrick Mahaffey, PhD– Founding Chair of the Mythological Studies PhD – Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Dennis Slattery, PhD– author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Greg Salyer, PhD –President – Philosophical Research Society; scholar, editor
- Selina Matthews, PhD– author, clinical depth psychologist
- Tara Gilmaher, MA – MA, MFA, ABD– Trauma and Integrative Depth Psychotherapist
- Vorris Nunley, PhD– Scholar, professor – University of California, Riverside
- Elizabeth Nelson, PhD– author, faculty – Pacifica Graduate Institute
We will also be joined by Dara Marks, an esteemed mythologist and author on storytelling, who will provide the first response to what Chris comes to share. She’ll be joined by another dear friend of the group, David Huff – an excellent filmmaker and photographer.
This is a new and unexpected format for us. We never planned to go online. When we started to cancel the live events, however, the call was overwhelming. You can find this event and more media at mythosophia.net
Please register in advance for this webinar:
- You’ll need to sign up for zoom (it’s free) in order to participate.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. My Zoom Webinar account allows for up 100 participants who will be able to sign on to the Zoom Webinar session and view the panelists in conversation with Christopher Vogler. During the Myth Salon, as host, Dana will have the ability to add panelists, manage questions, and control the interaction – keeping in mind that the more panelists, the smaller the images of whoever is on the panel. There will be opportunity for interaction and questions, although please be patient, we are learning how to do this as it happens. It’s much easier to manage the flow when we have a few of these under our belt, or when the Myth Salon takes place in my home.