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To Be at Home in Oneself and in the World – Ukrainian Developing Group of IAAP

Dear colleagues and all who are interested in analytical psychology of C.G. Jung!

We invite you to take part in the X Conference of the Ukrainian Developing Group of IAAP

To Be at Home in Oneself and in the World
Online on June 25-26, 2022

John Hill (Switzerland), Batya Brosh Palmoni (Israel), Sophie Braun (France), Tine Papić (Slovenia), Maria-Giovanna Bianchi (Switzerland), Dmytro Zalesskyi (Ukraine)


Conference Themes:

The image and metaphor of home in analytical psychology. How the experience of home is presented in the analysts and psychotherapists practice?

Home in wartime: refugees, loss of homes, consequences of humanitarian catastrophe and its overcoming

  • Psychology of belonging: country, family, language and relations between nations. Also the themes of migration, loss and rebuilding a home.
  • Reflections on John Hill’s book “At Home in the World: Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging”.
  • Home vs being away – opposites and interconnections?
  • Home as a function. The ‘ideal’ house as the basis of an “ideal” society.
  • The whole planet as a home: ecopsychology, nature and other worlds.
  • Pandemic and globalization. Internet and virtualization of life
  • The body as the home of the soul. Reflections on incarnation and corporeality.

Platform: Zoom

Contact: [email protected]

Cost: 80 euros or $84 U.S. dollars (donation, requested after registration) for non-Ukrainian attendeed

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