Story, Art & Transformation: an online workshop for artists and non-artists
Using the form of the Altered Book as a ‘canvas’, participants will take a guided dive into the Jungian-based practice of Depth Psychological Inquiry. Explorations of archetypes, myths and personal symbology will provide imagery and inspiration for your book, resulting in an accessible and rewarding Creative Practice that can be continued and nourished after the workshop ends.
Altered book ~ altered self
January 2022 ~ We cross thresholds all the time. Sometimes it is in the simplicity of walking through a door, moving from one room to another. Othertimes we are moving between significant or symbolic changes in our lives, the end of something known to what comes next and is unknown to us. We mark these occasions as they “happen to us” and other times I would suggest, we invite them in. These are such times. Following these past two years of social isolation and dramatic shifts in our ways of living, what has shifted in you? How can you re-animate your own being in these times we are now living?
Four Saturdays – March 5, 2022 – March 26, 2022 4 – 6:00 pm PST
Four Sundays – April 3, 2022 – April 24, 2022 9 – 11 am PST
Four Saturdays – May 7, 2022 – May 28, 2022 4 – 6:00 pm PST
* all workshops will be shared via zoom. There will be a powerpoint of images and course content accompanying each meeting time, this will be shared with participants each week following our class. after registering for the classes you will be sent a zoom link and materials and readings for preparation.