The PGIAA 2021 Coming Home Awards Evening,
October 20!
Join us for an evening of hope and celebration!
PGIAA 2021 Awards Evening
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 392241
The Chancellor Emeritus Award for Excellence
Alisa Orduna
2021 PhD CLIE
The President’s Award
Heesun Kim
Dissertation Student, DPT Program
The Chancellor Emeritus Award for Community Service
Food Bank of Santa Barbara
The Chancellor Emeritus Service Award
Roland Palencia
2020, MA Engaged Humanities
Recognition of Emeritus Faculty
The Wendy Davee Awards for Service
Mary Miles Carroll
2014 MA Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Student, CLIE Program
Dahkotahv Beckham
2021 MA Counseling Psychology
The Chancellor Emeritus Pathfinder Award
Howard Spector
2004 MA Counseling
Walter Odajnyk Memorial Scholarship
Marcene Gandolfo
3rd Year Mythological Studies Student
The Abakanowicz Research Fellowship
Sarah María Acosta Ahmad
3rd Year Student, CLIE
Kristina Yarbrough
3rd Year Student, CLIE