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PsySR Community Conversation: In Science We (Should Not Blindly) Trust

PART 2: Contemporary Psychologies and Colonizing Knowledge


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Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time: 1 PM HST// 4:00 PM PDT// 6 PM CDT // 7:00 PM EDT/

In Central Europe: (July 2) 1:00AM CEST


Presenter: Oksana Yakushko, PhD


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In this continuation of a presentation and discussion on colonization and decolonization of scientific praxis and knowledge, focus will be given to contemporary histories and occurrences of promoting scientism, oppressive ideologies (e.g., racist sciences, sexist sciences, homophobia) or (potentially) colonizing scientific ideas (e.g., psychology as a “culture free” or neutral STEM discipline; “positive” psychology, “primitive reptilian brain” neuromyths, patriarchy or racism as universal and normative). In addition to examining scholarship by contemporary Western psychologists, this presentation will highlight direct and indirect engagement by psychologists in promotions of White supremacy and misogyny (e.g., sciences in My Awakening by David Duke and the American Renaissance (“race realism”); Men’s Rights Activists/Involuntary Celibates). Our dialogue on colonization and decolonization of psychology sciences will be framed within critical theoretical contributions by Frantz Fanon, Simone de Beauvoir, Sara Ahmed and other critical social scholars.


Presenter Bio:

Oksana Yakushko, PhD is a practicing psychologist and faculty member at Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, CA). Her work has focused on xenophobia, human trafficking, immigration, and gender. Recently she has been presenting and publishing on sanitized versions of history, especially in relation of centrality of eugenics in European and U.S. psychology. Her most recent books include “Modern-Day Xenophobia” (Palgrave, 2018) and “Scientific Pollyannaism” (Palgrave, 2019).

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