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What’s available from the Pacifica ‪#‎Organic Garden this week?!

Welcome! Marshall is back and raring to get on with market gardening after an productive trip studying on such and related subjects. Thanks to Logan and the guys for sustaining our high levels of quality and service over the past few weeks. The unexpected and much appreciated rainfall has helped promote improved growth during his time of drought. New this week is a widening selection of lettuces and additional maturing crops already listed. Our tomato crops are not far behind. Enjoy! Marshall, Logan, Efi and Freddy

Our e-mail produce list is distributed each weekend. Orders will be filled Wednesday and Thursday, commercial orders on Wednesday. Except on campuses and for near neighbors, a $10.00 surcharge is required for delivery. Submit your order at least one day prior to allow time for harvest & delivery, and please note when you’d like to pick it up or where you would like it delivered. Hardcopy orders can be put in Marshall’s campus mailbox; or orders can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Our website and on-line order form can be found at Pacifica’s Organic Garden webpage. We appreciate prompt payment by cash or by check made out to Marshall Chrostowski and put in his campus mailbox or mailed to PO Box 1315, Oak View, Ca. 93022. Phone inquiries: 687-7109. Please save for us your good paper and plastic bags.

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