Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I tell you that Dianne Travis-Teague has been named to the position of Director of Alumni Affairs. In this position she will continue to act as the Chancellor’s liaison with the Alumni Association, working closely and directly with alumni organizing regional events, reunions, and programs that support the offices of Admissions, Public Programs, Student Services as well as all Academic Departments. She will also continue coordinating activities of the Chancellor’s Office with other departments on campus and handling scheduling for the Chancellor locally and internationally.
As Director of Alumni Affairs, Dianne is creating and maintaining pathways for alumni participation that advance the goals of the Institute; partnering with colleagues to identify, cultivate, and steward alumni giving in a multiplicity of ways. Our Alumni are, in so many ways, the blood soul of Pacifica. Their work is an expression of Pacifica’s mission, to tend to the soul of and in the world.
Clear to all who have interacted with Dianne, her commitment and enthusiasm is remarkable and infectious. Her efforts are central to the Alumni Association’s success. In fact, our Alumni Association is about to celebrate its nine-month birthday! What joy. Tune in to the Alumni website for the celebrations being planned across the country.
Dianne, with the support and help of various Alumni leaders, continues to organize regional events, that include alums, students, as well as prospective students. I can tell you from my personal experience, to attend one of these events is to be in deep relationship with a community of like-minded folks who care deeply, both personally and professionally, about the wisdom of the deep psyche. Each event is like a homecoming, a gathering of the tribe.
Pacifica continues to grow her body through these gatherings. And Dianne is virtually at each and every one, offering her organizational, aesthetic, and relational expertise. Pacifica is a better place today because of the leadership Dianne brings to her new position of Director.
I have witnessed time and again what continues to be just so: “Dianne is beloved by our alumni and is treasured by many inside and outside of Pacifica for all that she does to make the world a better and more humane place.
– Steve