Book Title: Encounters with C. G. Jung: The Journal of Sabi Tauber (1951–1961)
Year Published: 2021
Encounters with C. G. Jung: The Journal of Sabi Tauber (1951–1961)
This volume presents the journal notes of Sabi Tauber, a young Swiss woman who recorded the experience of her encounters with C. G. Jung. She conscientiously noted Jung’s responses to her questions and his comments on her dreams, mostly related to love, the creative principle, and the shadow. In the years 1951–1961, Sabi Tauber often visited Jung in Küsnacht and in his secluded tower in Bollingen. Jung also went to her home in Winterthur a few times, where he spontaneously explained his views in the circle of the Tauber family and their friends. A reader today will immediately be touched by C. G. Jung’s living spirit, just as Sabi Tauber was then. While addressing her personal situation, Jung also repeatedly points to the archetype that he recognizes behind each problem. In this way, the scientific precision of Jung’s thoughts is imbued with a unique feeling quality.
About Marianne Tauber
Pacifica Program Graduate: Ph.D. in Clinical Depth Psychology
Born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland. Doctoral program in Romance Languages, University of Zurich, four years, left unfinished. 1966 marriage to Jürg Tauber; introduction to C.G. Jung’s psychology and Zen (Karlfried Graf Dürckheim) via the family. Three children.
1971 arrival in New York City, Jürg with a grant to observe the liver transplant team at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital; he earns a Ph.D. in immunology at the Rockefeller University, conducting basic research, undergoing Jungian analysis with Edward Edinger. We are active members of the Zen Studies Society (Soen Nakagava Roshi) and associated with the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. I am wife, mother, and homemaker, while continuing training as a classical singer.
1976 US citizenship.
1978 – 1984 Chicago: Jürg completes an American surgical residency and fellowship.
1982 I enrol in the BA program for vocal performance at the American Conservatory, left unfinished.
1984, Jürg is diagnosed with a brain tumor; first surgery & recovery (see “Books”); move to Sacramento to join transplant team of the Medical Center. 1985 second surgery and radiation, leaving Jürg physically handicapped.
1987 — 1989, hosting the C.G. Jung Club of Sacramento with monthly meetings, workshops, and a newsletter. Jürg uses his handicap as an original painter (see “Artwork”). He dies in November 1989, leaving the family at a great loss.
1990 I enter Jungian analysis; 1993, back to school:
1995 M.A. in Counseling Psychology, the Professional School of Psychology, Sacramento.
2005 Ph.D. in Clinical Depth Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute; pre- doctoral internships at the San Francisco Jung Institute and in Jungian private practice. All internships (M.A. and Ph.D.) incorporated the Jungian model of Sandplay Therapy. MFT license.
2009 Moving to Los Angeles to join family.
2010/11 Attending the 9-month course in Sandplay Therapy at the Los Angeles Jung Institute.
2010/ 2012/ 2016 Attendance of ISAP’s one-week intensive, the “Jungian Odyssey” in Switzerland. 2011 Fall Semester at ISAP, Zurich.
2012 Publication of The Soul”s Ministrations (see “Book”); several book tours.
2013 Re-establishing private practice.
2016/17 Attending the 44th/45th Blockcourse of the Centre for Depth-psychological Research and Training, Switzerland.
Presently working on the translation of my mother in law’s Journal of her Encounters with the wise old man, C.G. Jung, (1951 — 1962).
2019 January: closing practice, for the time being.