Organization | Website | Mission |
Multi-Issue | ||
SB Progressive Coalition | https://www.facebook.com/groups/santabarbaraprogressivecoalition/ | meets twice monthly (1 Monday, 1 Saturday) at Casa de la Raza; working groups on health care, immigrant rights, women’s rights, economic justice, sustainability, and more; join us! |
Fund for Santa Barbara | https://www.fundforsantabarbara.org/ | community foundation that supports grassroots organizations working for social, economic, environmental and political change in Santa Barbara County |
SB County Action Network | http://www.sbcan.org/ | Countywide organization promotes social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities |
League of Women Voters of SB | http://www.lwvsantabarbara.org/ | encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy for social change |
CA– USE Santa Barbara | https://causenow.org/ | builds grassroots power to invoke social, economic and environmental justice; farmworker rights, tenants rights, and more |
CA– USE Santa Maria | https://www.causenow.org/neighborhood-campaigns/santa-maria-valley | |
PODER | https://podersb.org/ | People Organized for the Defense & Equal Rights of SB Youth (PODER) is a broad coalition of SB community residents and organizations |
Indivisble SB | https://indivisiblesb.com/ | lobbies Congress using the national Indivisible Guide and holds ResistTrumpTuesday weekly actions |
Indivisble Carpinteria | http://indivisiblecarpinteria.org | lobbies Congress using the national Indivisible Guide and holds ResistTrumpTuesday weekly actions |
Student Activist Network | facebook.com/SBStudentActivistNetwork | Rapid Response Network on any strikes, protests, or demonstrations happening around Santa Barbara |
CALPIRG UCSB | http://www.calpirgstudents.org/ucsb | works to stop global warming, help the hungry and homeless, protect our oceans, get big money out of politics, and more |
Our Revolution SB County | https://www.facebook.com/groups/OurRevolutionSantaBarbaraCounty/ | educates and engages County residents around the core issues highlighted in Bernie Sanders’ platform; discusses and enacts creative strategies for reaching those goals |
Political Rights and Participation/Good Governance | ||
Democratic Party of SB County | http://www.sbdems.org/ | mobilizes voters to elect Democrats at all levels of government; holds elected officials accountable through public advocacy, coalition work, as well as through their endorsement process |
Democratic Service Club | http://democraticserviceclub.org/ | registers voters, canvasses and phonebanks for candidates and initiatives endorsed by the Democratic Party; volunteers needed |
Democratic Club of Santa Barbara | https://www.facebook.com/DemClubSB/ | meets 3rd Wednesday monthly (check for location) championing progressive policies and candidates |
Democratic Women of SB County | http://www.democraticwomensb.org/vote_for_democrats/ | promotes Democratic principles, issues, and candidates by educating the public, increasing voter participation, and ensuring election integrity |
UCSB Campus Democrats | http://ucsb.sbdems.org/ | conducts voter registration drives at UCSB and in Isla Vista, volunteers for Democratic candidates & ballot measures, and organizes students for progressive causes |
SB Women’s Political Committee | http://sbwpc.org/ | political action on behalf of feminist values of social, political and economic gender equality |
Goodland Coalition | http://thegoodlandcoalition.org/ | defends quality of life in Goleta through policies that protect, preserve, and improve Goleta’s unique character; encourages participation in community planning and decision-making |
Progressive Democrats | https://www.facebook.com/PDSBCLUB/ | “Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party” works to pull the party to the left on issues of war and peace, health-care reform, economic justice and presidential accountability |
Money Out Voters In – SB chapter | movi-sb.org | local chapter of statewide group responsible for placing Proposition 59 (legislation to counter the Citizens United case) on the ballot |
Environment/Climate Change/Sustainability/Transportation | ||
350 SB | https://350sb.org/ | climate justice movement in Santa Barbara |
Audubon Society SB | http://santabarbaraaudubon.org/ | connects people with birds and nature through education, science-based projects and advocacy |
Bici Centro | http://www.sbbike.org/bicicentro | SB Bicycle Coalition, community bike shop |
Carpinteria Valley Assoc | http://carpinteriavalleyassociation.org/ | educates and advocates on land use, planning, and community development; emphasize natural environment of Carpinteria Valley, Summerland, and surrounding region |
Citizens’ Climate Lobby | http://citizensclimatelobby.org/chapters/CA_Santa_Barbara/ | local chapter of natl group – promotes the Carbon Fee & Dividend solution |
COAST | http://coast-santabarbara.org/ | provides advocacy, education and outreach to improve transportation options; promote rail, bus, bike and pedestrian access |
Community Environmental Council | http://www.cecsb.org/ | identifies, advocates, and raises awareness about the most pressing environmental issues (climate change, renewable energy) |
UCSB Environmental Affairs Board | https://eab.as.ucsb.edu/ | protects, preserves and enhances the environment, principally at UCSB and its surrounding communities |
Environmental Defense Center | http://www.environmentaldefensecenter.org/ | protects and enhances the environment of California’s south central coast through education, advocacy, and legal action |
Explore Ecology | http://www.exploreecology.org/ | environmental programs; encourages creative thinking through hands-on science education and art discovery |
Food and Water Watch – Santa Barbara | https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/state/california | protects Californian’s water from fracking, curtails oil drilling, and makes the state’s agriculture more environmentally and socially responsible |
Frack Back to Save the Central Coast | www.facebook.com/SantaBarbaraFrackBackToSaveTheCentralCoast | stops dangerous enhanced oil & gas development on the Central Coast, works to ban fracking statewide, & move to clean renewables |
Gaviota Coast Conservancy | http://www.gaviotacoastconservancy.org/ | protects the rural character and environmental integrity of the Gaviota Coast |
Get Oil Out! (GOO) | getoilout.org | fighting oil companies since 1969 oil spill |
Los Padres Forest Watch | lpfw.org/ | works to protect the Los Padres National Forest, located in a “biodiversity hotspot,” from threats to these public lands |
Naples Coalition | http://www.savenaples.org/ | works to preserve the Gaviota Coast view sheds, restore the bio diverse habitat, maintain wildlife corridors, protect the sensitive coastal bluff, and provide appropriate public access |
Safe Energy Now! | https://www.facebook.com/safeenergynow/ | North Santa Barbara County residents and businesses, working together to stop unsafe local energy operations that threaten our health and water, and encouraging safer, renewable energy |
Santa Ynez Valley Alliance | http://santaynezvalleyalliance.org/ | protects the rural character of the Santa Ynez Valley and support good stewardship of natural and agricultural resources through education, comprehensive planning, and public participation |
Save the Mermaids | http://www.savethemermaids.org/ | educates community about human-sourced ocean polluting and advocate for behaviors that benefit the ocean environment |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | http://www.sbck.org/ | protects and restores the Santa Barbara Channel and its watersheds through science-based advocacy, education, field work and enforcement |
Citizens Planning Assoc of SB County | http://www.citizensplanning.org/ | focuses on countywide land use issues; advocate for best standards of design and natural resource protection to maintain sustainable communities |
Sierra Club SB | https://sierraclub.org/los-padres/santa-barbara | protects critical habitat and open space; promote clean renewable energy; work directly in elections to pass environmental ballot measures and elect environmental leaders |
Sprout Up | http://www.sproutup.org/ | teaches environmental education in classrooms |
SB Standing Rock Coalition | https://www.facebook.com/SantaBarbaraStandingRockCoalition/ | Chumash leaders and other SB activists in support of #NoDAPL; advocates for clean water, safe energy and indigenous rights |
Students Against Fracking UCSB | https://www.facebook.com/ucsbstudentsagainstfracking/ | informs the public on issues of high-intensity oil extraction techniques in California |
Surfers Without Borders | http://www.surferswithoutborders.org/SWoBs_Home.html | teaches environmental awareness, reduces ocean pollution, promotes sustainable development, and fosters good relations between surfers and coastal communities around the world |
Surfrider Foundation | santabarbara.surfrider.org | dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education |
UCSB Fossil Free | https://www.facebook.com/fossilfreeucsb | movement to divest from and sever links between the University of California and the fossil fuel industry |
World Business Academy | https://worldbusiness.org/tag/santa-barbara/ | transforms business world’s consciousness of our planetary fuel system |
Social and Economic Justice/Civil Rights/Criminal Justice/Education | ||
ACLU | https://www.aclusocal.org/en/santa-barbara-chapter | local SB chapter; defends civil liberties |
Anti-Defamation League | http://santabarbara.adl.org/ | fights hate crimes, racism, and anti-semitism; trains law enforcement |
Black Lives Matter | https://www.facebook.com/BlackLivesMatterSB/ | Black self-determination, criminal justice reform |
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians | http://www.santaynezchumash.org/ | local, native tribe |
Coastal Band of the Chumash Nation | http://coastalbandofthechumashnation.weebly.com/ | local, native tribe |
Clergy and Laity United for Econ Justice | cluesb.org | inter-faith community leaders and members; addresses local economic injustices to those marginalized in SB county |
Coalition Against Gun Violence | http://sbcoalition.org/ | prevents gun violence through education, collaboration and common sense gun legislation advocacy |
Future Leaders of America | futureleadersnow.org | steers young Latino men and women out of poverty and into college and careers |
Girls Inc. | girlsincsb.org | galvanizes young women to be strong, smart, and bold; after-school and summer programs; scholarships; volunteers needed |
Islamic Society of Santa Barbara | http://www.islamsb.org/ | local Muslim community |
Just Communities | http://www.just-communities.org/ | works to ensure that Central Coast schools, organizations, and communities are places of opportunity, not places of limitation; leadership development, dialogue, action planning, and mobilizing |
Pacific Pride Foundation | https://www.pacificpridefoundation.org/ | provides services to the HIV/AIDS and LGBT communities of Santa Barbara County |
Padres Unidos | https://www.facebook.com/United-Parents-Padres-Unidos-134337316412 | advocates for equity in education, seeking to inform and empower parents, and to close the achievement gap among all students, promoting their academic, social, and emotional development |
PFLAG SB | pflagsantabarbara.org | family members, friends, and allies of LGBTQ people; holds Love. Period Celebration annually |
SB Transgender Advocacy Network | sbtan.org | provides support to transgender men and women, genderqueer people, and their families |
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) | http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/ | organizes white people for racial justice through community organizing, mobilizing, and education |
United Boys and Girls Clubs SB County | unitedbg.org | after-school athletic and education programs at nine locations across the county; tutors, coaches, and referees needed |
Safety Net/Housing | ||
Catholic Worker Movement | http://www.catholicworker.org/ | comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable |
Central Coast Collaborative on Homelessness (C3H) | http://www.c3homes.org/ | reduces the number of people experiencing homelessness, as well as minimizes the impacts of homelessness in Santa Barbara County |
Community Action Commission | http://www.cacsb.org/ | fights poverty – programs for seniors, children ages 0-5, teens |
Common Ground SB County | commongroundsb.org | conducts annual point in time count, and works to reduce homelessness and its impacts through professional and volunteer outreach |
Congregation B’nai B’rith | http://cbbsb.org/ | reform Jewish community; has social action committee that leads projects to help homeless, refugees, and others |
Domestic Violence Solutions – SB County | http://www.dvsolutions.org/ | provides safe and confidential shelter to battered women and their children, offers advocacy and support; volunteers needed |
Foodbank of SB County | http://foodbanksbc.org/ | ends hunger and transforms the health of Santa Barbara County through good nutrition |
Food From the Heart | sbfoodfromtheheart.com | prepares and delivers nutritious meals to the homebound ill; Food From the Heart serves approximately 155 clients per week in the Santa Barbara/Goleta areas |
Independent Living Resource Center | ilrc-trico.org | helps disabled people secure work and housing, get paired with personal assistants, navigate the labyrinthine Social Security system, and connect with peers |
People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) | epath.org | end shomelessness by helping individuals transition from homelessness to housing; provides short-term interim housing, case management, and health services |
Rental Housing Roundtable | santabarbararenters.com | addresses the lack of legal protection for SB renters in order to end unjust evictions, unfair treatment of tenants and increase the number of rental units available |
211 SB County Health & Human Services Info | http://www.211santabarbaracounty.org/ | directory of local public agencies and nonprofit services |
Workers Rights | ||
Tri-Counties Central Labor Council | http://tricountiesclc.org/ | umbrella federation for working men and women; works to ensure that all people who work receive the rewards of their work—decent paychecks and benefits, safe jobs, respect and fair treatment |
SEIU Local 620 | http://www.seiulocal620.org/ | union of public service workers, nurses, hospital staff, nursing home care providers, building services and security guards |
IBEW Local 413 | http://www.ibew413.org/ | elevates moral, intellectual and social conditions of members of local International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union |
Lideres Campesinas | http://www.liderescampesinas.org/english/ | rights of farmworker women |
UAW 2865 SB | https://ucsbuaw.wordpress.com/ | union representing academic student employees (tutors, readers, and teaching assistants) at UCSB |
United Domestic Workers – AFSCME Local 3930 | http://www.udwa.org/ | union of homecare providers; fights for better working conditions |
Health Care | ||
Health Care for All – California | http://www.healthcareforall.org/chapters/santa-barbara-county | advocates for “Medicare for All” — single-payer health care in California; Santa Barbara chapter of state organization |
Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund | http://www.ppactionca.org/local-info/central-coast/about-ppccaf.html | expands access to quality reproductive health care for all, including safe and legal abortion, through community education, public policy initiatives, and support for aligned candidates |
SB Neighborhood Clinics | sbclinics.org | four medical clinics and two dental offices serve as a vital safety net for the poor and the uninsured |
SB Rape Crisis Center | http://www.sbrapecrisiscenter.org/ | empowers people through healing and social change to eliminate all forms of sexual violence |
Legal Services | ||
Legal Aid Foundation | lafsbc.org | supplies attorney representation and advice to low-income residents, seniors, domestic violence victims, and immigrants on housing; fights abuse and fraud |
California Rural Legal Assistance | crla.org | free legal services for farmworkers and immigrants; conduct education workshops on housing, employment, and health |
Importa | importasb.org | represents low-income immigrant clients before Homeland Security; facilitates DACA protections, naturalization for green card holders; assists with status and asylum cases |
Global Human Rights and Peace | ||
Human Rights Watch | https://www.hrw.org/santa-barbara-committee | hosts annual dinner honoring courageous individuals who protect and defend human rights around the world |
Veterans for Peace | http://www.vfpsb.org/ | veterans work with others to use non-violent means to work toward world peace |
KPFK 98.7 FM | kpfk.org | public radio |
Santa Barbara Independent | independent.com | Santa Barbara’s latest news, features, opinions, arts coverage, and entertainment calendar, every week in print since 1986 and every day online since 2007 |
Channels 17-20 | http://tvsb.tv/tvsb-voice-schedule/ | channel 18 – local programmning; channel 19 – City TV; channel 20 – County TV |
Fund for Santa Barbara | https://www.fundforsantabarbara.org/events/calendar/ | events sponsored by local progressive organizations |
All these organizations need volunteers. | ||
* Please email [email protected] with suggested changes or addtions to this list. |
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