Volunteers of Hospice of Santa Barbara Receive 2021 PGIAA CARELINE Valentine’s Day Cards
“My heart is my humanity, my courage to live, my strength and fierce passion.”
James Hillman
The Thought of the Heart
How does one share something held dearly? And what does it mean to “cherish?” The artist might craft images painted and drawn to value beauty, such as an undulating blue seascape and poets, like Amanda Gorman, share inspirational words to express treasured memories. While children weave simple images of hearts and flowers with endearing words in sweet Valentine’s Day card messages to mommy and sometimes special friends.
The exchange of Valentine’s Day cards in America has a long history dating back to the 1700’s. In 1840, Esther A Howland, was named the Mother of Valentine’s in recognition of her elaborate card creations made with lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” Today, Valentine’s Day cards is big business. The Greeting Card Association estimates 145 million Valentine ‘Day cards are sent each year.
After a year of isolation, chaos, and confusion let’s take time to turn our hearts towards gratefulness, simple beauty, and the magic that creates possibilities.
Volunteers from Hospice of Santa Barbara are the recipients of the 2021 PGIAA_ CARES Valentine’s Day card exchange. This is alumnae Diane P. Coffey’s second year of making scrap cards. Each card is unique and caries a message from a single inspirational word to an endearing quote. Scrap materials used to craft the cards range from reclaimed postage stamps, old greeting cards and calendars, images ripped from magazine pages, and cut colored papers.
In 2020, Pacifica Graduate Institute Campus Housekeeping, Garden and Maintenance Staff received Diane’s handmade Valentine’s Day cards.
Per Aninam, Communitas Cresceit
Through Soul, Community Thrives
In Loving Memory of
Helen J. Coffey