Hospice of Santa Barbara recently presented, The Five Invitations: What the Dying Teach the Living – An Evening with Frank Ostaseski,, March 22nd was a free event open to the community with over 700 people in attendance. Frank Ostaseski is an internationally respected Buddhist teacher and visionary cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project, and founder of the Metta Institute. His groundbreaking work has been highlighted on The Oprah Winfrey Show and honored by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
For over 40 years, HSB has been providing care of individuals and families grieving the loss of a loved one or struggling with life-threatening illness. All services are free of charge and are available in English and Spanish.
Steering Committee Members included:
- David Selberg, Hospice of Santa Barbara
- Barbara Bartholome, IANDS Santa Barbara
- Charles Caldwell, Hospice of Santa Barbara
- Susan Clark, VNHC
- Chris Davis, SurfMedia
- Heidi Holly, Friendship Center
- Camron Kazerounian, SurfMedia
- Miyoko Kudo, Sarah House
- Pam Lewis, Hutton Parker Foundation
- Gary Linker, Center for Successful Aging
- Laura Mancuso, Interfaith Chaplain
- Lois Meeker, Assisted Home Health and Hospice
- Pauline Nelson, Dream Foundation
- William Peters, Shared Crossing Project
- Susan Plummer, Alliance for Living and Dying Well
- Cheryll Puyot, Hospice of Santa Barbara
- Suzanne Retzinger, Hospice of Santa Barbara
- Jonathan Schooler, UCSB
- Eryn Shugart, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
- Arlene Stepputat, VNHC
- Kendalle Thompson, Assisted Home Health and Hospice
- Dianne Travis-Teague, Pacifica Graduate Institute
- Jeanne West, DASH
Watch for other programs as part of the Community Education and Engagement Series.