As Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Director of Alumni Relations, Dianne Travis-Teague facilitates collaborations between the Office of the Chancellor and the Alumni Association to extend and nurture the Pacifica experience in the world. News & Notes collects her posts to Pacifica’s growing family of alums.
Moving Forward!
| originally posted on 26 Oct 2013
When I think of our Alumni Association, two words come to mind: MOVING FORWARD!
This year has been one of slowing down to catch up! We hit the pause button to enhance our foundation. This included two major initiatives: the Association’s incorporation and non-profit status! Both projects were huge, and required many hours working with our legal counsel Rebecca Eggeman. As we prepare for our 2013 Annual Meeting, I am elated to share that we are officially the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association, Inc., and our 501(c)3 status is currently pending with the Internal Revenue Service (we’re comfortable that non-profit status will be granted).
Additionally, the Association has seated an interim Board of Directors and elected Officers. Our November 8-10 2013 Annual Meeting celebrates these milestones and our two-year anniversary! Give yourselves a round of applause!
When I think of the hours spent to develop our by-laws, begin strategic planning, and numerous other associated projects, I am deeply grateful to all those who were on the front line, and the countless numbers of you who kept encouragement and good intentions coming our way. It was a journey on a road not traveled heretofore!
In the midst of our foundation work, we still managed to host Alumni Gatherings in Sacramento, Chicago, Santa Monica, and — coming soon — San Francisco! Jo Todd and our Regional Coordinators have become forces to be reckoned with, offering good and solid plans for growing our alumni base, while hosting numerous activities within their communities. From coffee at Starbucks to book clubs, to lunch, to just checking in, our coordinators are growing their regions. This is no small feat! It takes dedication and fortitude, and we are most appreciative.
Along the way, we’ve experienced growing pains and lost a few members of our core groups. Yet we’ve always had another alumnus or alumna step forward to carry the torch. As we embark on the coming year, our association is officially a toddler and will need our support to grow. Join us as we continue MOVING FORWARD!
Our Annual Meeting will include:
- Friday Evening Chancellor’s Reception
- Regional Coordinator Training Sessions
- General Meeting w/ Planning & Strategy Sessions
- Committee Volunteer Opportunities
- Walkabouts (experience our beautiful Ladera Campus)
- Visioning
It’s a great time to “come home” to Pacifica and to an Alumni Association that honors and supports you!
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” — Walt Disney
Collected here, with posting dates, are observations made in the “Comments” section included with the original appearance of this article at the initial website of Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association. Please feel welcome to offer additional notes in the current “Comments” function.
website visitor | 27 Oct 2013
Diane, Stephen, and Dennis really lit a fire (or ‘possum’s tail) in San Francisco last night. Thanks for your inspiring work, it is great to be back in touch. Barbara.