As Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Director of Alumni Relations, Dianne Travis-Teague facilitates collaborations between the Office of the Chancellor and the Alumni Association to extend and nurture the Pacifica experience in the world. News & Notes collects her posts to Pacifica’s growing family of alums.
Happy Holidays!
| originally posted on 20 Dec 12
As we approach the holiday season and look forward to the New Year, thank you for your many contributions to the lives and futures of our students and alumni. During the past year, I marveled at the breadth and depth of our expertise, how we leverage that expertise to increase educational opportunity and success, and how much we are able to accomplish — the indomitable spirit and keen intellect of Pacifica Graduate Institute gives us reason to be thankful, especially at this time of the year.
I especially wish to thank you for your support throughout the year in helping to make a difference in the lives of our students and fellow alumni. Together we are building for the future. Smile as you enjoy photos from our Annual Open House and Gathering held last Friday. The event was hosted in partnership with the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of External Affairs.
Now that the holiday season is here, please take time to enjoy it! Take special time for yourself and your family and perhaps also to look into the eyes of a student, staff member, or alum to remember why we chose Pacifica as the place to make our mark.
I wish all of you a very wonderful and prosperous year ahead! May we all work together productively every year and continue to bring success to the grand project that is Pacifica.
Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season!