The PGIAA of NY/NJ/CT welcomed Chancellor and Founding President Stephen Aizenstat and Faculty Member/Depth Psychology Doctoral Program Director Ed Santana to New York City’s newly renovated The R Lounge at the Renaissance Times Square this week. Surrounded by the lights and colors of Times Square, and a mountain climber climbing a billboard (please see picture), we gathered in this exquisite lounge to share stories, get to know each other, and continue to develop our East Coast community. With drinks flowing and delicious nibbles on the table, we discussed some hopes and concerns of the alumni, as well as those of current students, and shared what we are doing in the world. We all agreed that the need for a depth-full cohort of Pacificans is so needed in many industries and areas of life, and we need and want to support each other in creating these communities while away from the beautiful Ladera and Lambert campuses. Always exciting to hear about what exciting things may be next for Pacifica in the world.