Sunday, October 15 Mixer from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
I am thrilled to let you know that we have a great space for our first mixer. Our get-together will take place at a local urban winery called Koi Zen Cellars in Carmel Mountain Ranch near the intersection of Interstate 15 and Highway 56. There will be no-host wine and non-alcoholic beverages.
Call for Presentation Proposals
In keeping the focus on San Diego Alumni, we would like to have a 15-20 minute presentation from a local alumn. Therefore, we are now accepting brief proposals on the topic of how Pacifica is impacting your avocation or vocation in the San Diego Community. Please email proposals to Karin Zirk — 500 words max by midnight on Saturday, September 30. Acceptance and/or rejection of your proposal will be made by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 2 and all applicants will be notified.
Hor D’Oeuvres Potluck
In order to build community, we are asking that those who can bring savory or sweet
hor d’oeuvres for ten-fifteen people. Show off your talents, break out your great grandmother’s recipes or bring your favorite Trader Joe’s treat.
Networking Opportunity
In order to keep the focus on all the great things this community is doing in San Diego, we invited you to bring a newsletter, brochure, business card, book, or anything else to show case your unique method of “animae mundi colendae gratia,” or tending the soul of and in the world of San Diego. Let’s show off to each other. Our endeavors will help spark conversations, provide networking opportunities, and perhaps lead to new collaborations or projects.
While this is a free event, it will be helpful to have an approximate headcount. Please click here to R.S.V.P.
Helping with this Event
For those who are interested in helping with this event either by judging the presentation proposals, helping to set up the shared materials table the day of the event, cleaning up at the end of the event, or doing an opening/closing ceremony for the event, please email Karin or indicate your interests in helping out when you R.S.V.P.