Dear Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni,
You are invited to a very special event with Dr. Steve Aizenstat who is the key note speaker on May 7, 2016 in “the jewel” aka as La Jolla, in San Diego. Please join us for the inaugural IASD San Diego event and be a part of an exciting new vision to create intentional loving dream communities locally and globally. Our program, “The Dreaming World: Creating Local and Global Dream Communities,” includes a key note form Dr. Stephen Aizenstat on “The World’s Dream Anima Mundi: The Global Dream Initiative.” IASD is having its yearly meeting in the Netherlands Europe this year, so if that is too far, join us here in Southern California and take advantage of an inspired weekend of events including a chance to get Clinical Education Units while you and your family enjoy the beautiful beaches of San Diego.
Friday night May 6th we begin with a dream incubation ritual (children welcome) with a dream music sing along, guided mediation, bon fire and star gazing. Saturday, we will be meeting in the village of La Jolla in a charming small church a half block from the La Jolla Cove, for a presentation by Dr. Aizensat, facilitated conversation and catered lunch, dream sharing groups, and a strategic session to plan together how we will create vital and loving dream communities locally and globally followed by a closing ritual and dream incubation. Come and get to know other dreamers in the San Diego area and beyond.
While in La Jolla you will be able to swim with the seals and snorkel at one of the most beautiful underwater ecologic reserves at the La Jolla Cove and/or enjoy guided walks along some of the most beautiful coast line in California. We have special hotel rates blocks from the La Jolla Cove waiting for you and your family.