The Mandalas are coming to the Myth Salon!
Mandalas are archetypal images whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. The mandala signifies the wholeness of the Self, a circular image representing the wholeness of the psychic ground. Most mandalas have an intuitive, irrational character and, through their symbolical content, exert a retroactive influence on the unconscious, and therefore possess a “magical” significance, like icons, whose effects are seldom consciously felt. By delving into the unconscious, Jung observed the motif of the circle appearing spontaneously. Mandalas offer a way to restore balance in the psyche. Through the emotions, mandala images transport us beyond the franchise of the rational mind.
Join us in the Myth Salon on Thursday, November 17 at 5PM Pacific, when Susanne Fincher, a leading educator on mandalas, delivers a wonderfully visual journey through the history, cultural applications, and therapeutic uses of the mandala. We will experience the historical, spiritual, and psychological symbolism of circles; and how and why circles form the matrix of mandalas. She will explore Jung’s mandalas, Tibetan and Native American mandalas, and introduce us to the work of American art therapist, Joan Kellogg, originator of the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round of Mandala.
Susanne F. Fincher is a Jungian-oriented art therapist who currently offers online courses for people on mandalas (circular forms. She is a prolific writer on the mandala with nine books, courses, a newsletter, adult coloring books, and videos for learning to create mandalas for insight, healing, and self-expression. Her website is www.CreatingMandalas.com. She will be joined by a panel of mandala artists including Clay Boykin from Austin, Texas, Catherine Hart from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Marilyn Clark, Michael Carpenter, and Roberta Shoemaker-Beal. And, of course, our belovedDennis Slattery! What a show it will be!
Here is the link to register for the Mandala Myth Salon with Susanne Fincher on Thursday, November 17 at 5PM Pacific: