BodySoul Community Workshops & Events
Welcome to the quarterly announcement for the Marion Woodman Foundation featuring BodySoul Programs, BodySoul Community Workshops, and BodySoul Community Events.
Being Human in an
Imperfect World
with Judy Zappacosta, MFT
and Gail Grynbaum, RN, PhD,
Jungian analyst
July 24-29, 2016
at La Casa de Maria in
Santa Barbara, California
There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
~ Leonard Cohen, Anthem
Fee: $1,750 (single room – limited); $1,610 (double room), fee includes 5 nights lodging and meals.
For more details about this program go to Loving Our Brokenness: Being Human in an Imperfect World.
The Eros & Psyche Myth:
Creative Interplay
with Carol Jacobs, MSW,
Vicki Lanier, LPC,
Vernessa Foelix, MA, assisted by
Ann Skinner, Head of Voice Emerita at Canada’s Stratford Shakespeare Festival
October 16-21, 2016
at Roslyn Retreat Center near
Richmond, VA
“The greater the capacity to receive and
to give, the greater the consciousness of the essence of everything. That interplay is creativity.” ~ Marion Woodman
We are pleased to announce a new workshop set near Richmond, Virginia at Roslyn Retreat Center. The tale of Eros and Psyche provides a portal for exploration of our inner world. The myth guides us on to a path of discernment for our own unique place in the universe. It deals with the tasks each of us needs to address in order to move into a new phase in our life’s journey. The joining of Eros (love) and Psyche (soul) brings forth new life. Based on the foundational understandings of Carl Jung, Marion Woodman and the ensuing BodySoul Rhythms® work of Marion Woodman, Mary Hamilton, and Ann Skinner, this workshop provides a safe container for self-discovery and creative expression. In this workshop we will be tending to our dreams, our bodies, our voices, and visual expressions.
Fee: $1,595 for single room; $1,535 for a double room.
For more details about this program go to The Eros and Psyche Myth: Creative Interplay.
The Play’s the Thing: An Experiential
and Improvisational Workshop
with Meg Wilbur, MA, MFA, Jungian
analyst and Ann Skinner, Head of
Voice Emerita at Canada’s
Stratford Shakespeare Festival
November 3-8, 2016
at La Casa de Maria in Santa Barbara,
In November 2016, the Marion Woodman Foundation is delighted to offer a workshop called “The Play’s the Thing: An Experiential and Improvisational Workshop.” This is another opportunity to explore “PLAY” – a core component of BodySoul Rhythms®. Through the medium of theatre, drawing on a ‘play’ of William Shakespeare’s (no, not The Tempest), we will explore the archetypal characters, embodying their words, thus enlivening our psyches, stimulating our dreams, and exciting our imaginations. Save the date and join us in the glorious autumnal alchemy of the Southern California wine country of Santa Barbara.
Fee: $1,790 for single room (sold out); $1,555 for double room.
For more details about this program go to The Play’s the Thing.
You have multiple choices when making your donation on our website. Please review your choices below and to donate click on Make a donation.
Walking the Tightrope:
The ![]() by Marion Woodman – Seminar 1
Marion had a passionate interest in Jung’s Seminars on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, given in Zurich between 1934-1939, because it is in those seminars that Jung worked the most with the body-soul connection or, as Marion said, “that psyche and soma are one.” She felt that, as women in leadership positions, it was crucial for us to study this material. It is in these seminars, taught by Marion, that you see the beautiful interweaving she does adding the feminine into Jung’s mix of analytical psychology.
To order your copy of the book, go to Walking the Tightrope: Seminar 1. DVD SERIES
Marion Woodman and the
![]() Conscious Feminine:
Marion Woodman in Conversation with Marlene Schiwy
“Marlene Schiwy’s DVD interviews with Marion Woodman are a precious resource. Marlene’s understanding of Marion’s BodySoul work enables her to ask the right questions in a sensitive and thoughtful manner, drawing Marion out in a lovely way. Marion is wise and articulate as she discusses her lifelong work. For anyone who never had the chance to meet Marion Woodman, this is a rare opportunity to see, hear, and be inspired by her. For those who have worked with Marion, the DVDs are a wonderful reminder of her and her teaching. These DVDs keep Marion’s work alive, and are a gift to all of us.”
~ Patty Flowers, Former Program Director, Marion Woodman Foundation In this set of six DVDs (9.5 hours), Marlene Schiwy interviews Marion Woodman on a wide variety of topics including: the Death Mother and Death Father archetypes, the essence of dreams, the spiritual meaning of addiction, creativity as a healing force, and stories from Marion’s own analyses with Dr. Bennett and Miss Hannah. Additionally, there is a one hour segment featuring both Marion and Ross Woodman and another hour with Marion and Marlene together on screen.
The cost of the set of six (6) DVDs including postage is:
50% of all sales after expenses will be donated to the Marion Woodman Foundation.
For more details about this DVD series, go to Marion Woodman and the Conscious Feminine.
BodySoul Community Workshops
The Marion Woodman Foundation would like to keep you up-to-date on programs being offered by women who have completed the Marion Woodman Foundation BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training programs. These workshops focus on various aspects of BodySoul work and are offered in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, and throughout the United States. BodySoul Community Workshops are administered by the women teaching them.
BodySoul Community Events
BodySoul Community Events are short programs meant to provide information about topics relevant to BodySoul. They are often informational and lack the experiential component of BodySoul Community Workshops. Examples could include a film viewing and discussion, a lecture, or a book discussion. Teachers are graduates of the Leadership Training Program or Professional and Personal Development Program, as well as members of the Foundation.
BodySoul Community Workshops 2016-2017
Psyche’s Circle: An Experiential Reading and Discussion Group
with Andrea Wells, MFT
July 9-December 3, 2016 (one Saturday per month)
in Santa Cruz, CA
“To live a rich life we must be in contact with our inner world.”
~ Marion Woodman
This discussion circle will focus on Marion Woodman’s writings and video interviews. Excerpts from C.G. Jung and selected Jungian authors will also be included. Dream work, movement, art, and writing processes drawn from BodySoul Rhythms® practices provide the experiential components to embody and integrate the teachings. Participants are required to have completed 50 hours of Jungian-oriented therapy.
Fee: $70 per session – you may join at any time.
For more details about this program, go to Psyche’s Circle
Dream Salon (meets quarterly)
![]() with Andrea Wells, MFT
October 22, 2016
in Santa Cruz, California “Symbols of the self arise from the depths of the body.” ~ C.G. Jung
Dream images from the depths of the body-psyche carry wisdom and guidance on the soul’s journey. Each salon will offer an opportunity to work with a theme such as animal dreams or a specific approach to working with the dream such as active imagination, movement, writing, painting, and collage. We will explore the personal and archetypal aspects of the dream symbols so that you may more fully embody and live into the wisdom of the dream. Excerpts from Marion Woodman writings and films will be included. Fee: $60 per session
For more details about this program, go to Dream Salon
Anima Mundi in Transition: Cultural, Clinical and
Professional Challenges
(Pre-Congress Workshop at
IAAP International Congress)
with Tina Stromsted, PhD, MFT,
BC-DMT, Jungian analyst
August 28, 2016
in Kyoto, Japan This pre-congress, day-long workshop interweaves theoretical, experiential, cultural and clinical material through presentations, embodied explorations, and discussion. We will explore dance/movement as a form of active imagination, with special attention to the living body in analytic practice. This workshop offers a structure within which participants can both have a practical experience of their own moving imagination as well as enrich their understanding of its application to verbal psycho-therapeutic practice. This pre-congress workshop is part of the 20th International Congress of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) in Kyoto, Japan.
Fee: $193 USD by July 31; $217 USD after July 31
For more details about this program go to Anima Mundi in Transition: Cultural, Clinical & Professional Challenges Alchemy: Body and Soul with Tina Stromsted, PhD, MFT,
BC-DMT, Jungian analyst
August 30, 2016
in Kyoto, Japan Alchemy is most often understood as a primitive scientific attempt to create elemental gold, yet alchemy also sought the ‘inner gold’ through engaging the elemental makeup of matter – the wisdom of Nature – in order to reveal her secrets and evoke spiritual experience. So too, modern psychotherapy has the capacity to transform prima materia, the unwanted, uncomfortable material of everyday life, into something meaningful, thus helping us find the ‘gold’ in the shadow. Participants will have an opportunity to witness the process as a whole, and to engage the alchemical metaphor in relation to bodily experience through movement and discussion. This workshop is part of the IAAP Congress in Kyoto, Japan.
Fee: The workshop is included in the congress registration fee. Registration for the entire congress is $837 USD until July 31; $953 USD after July 31.
For more details about this program go to Alchemy: Body & Soul in Transition
A BodySoul Fall Equinox Retreat
with Andrea Wells, MFT
September 24, 2016
in Monterey, California
“Retreat is never meant as escape, a permanent disappearance. In fact, it’s purpose is restorative; what retreats is strengthened by a conscious decision to rest, to prepare for what’s next.” Embodying the Soul with Marian Dunlea, Jungian Analyst, Sue Congram, PhD, Chartered Psychologist, and
Sheila Langston October 16-21, 2016 in Victoria, Australia This BodySoul workshop is based on the foundation work of Marion Woodman and Carl Jung and will include ongoing developments of neuroscience. In the beautiful landscape of the Yarra Valley, we will anchor to the land, thereby giving the support necesary to encounter the dynamic feminine and masculine energies in the psyche, and providing the opportunity to bring the healing nature of the image alive, to nourish and retire the body and soul. Fee: $2,500 AUD (includes tuition, 5 days/nights accommodation and all meals).
For more details about this program, go to Embodying the Soul
Dreaming Into Ourselves
![]() with Carol Beecroft, LMFT
and Lisa Walker, L.Ac
October 17, November 21
and December 19, 2016
in Altadena, CA
“Once we get used to listening to our dreams, our whole body responds like a musical instrument” ~ Marion Woodman
Dreams open a window to who we are while leading us to the person we may more fully become. Join us for a once a month dream gathering where we explore the personal and archetypal landscape of dreams through embodied active imagination using the powerful resources of body and voice, intuition and discussion. As we embody and enliven our dream images, we will be distilling essence and vitality while following the guiding principal within the dream toward growth and wholeness for ourselves and each other. Fee: $150 for 3 sessions (3 session commitment)
For more details about this program, go to Dreaming Into Ourselves
Samhain BodyDreaming™ and
![]() Clay Mask Workshop with Marian Dunlea, Jungian analyst and Wendy Bratherton, Jungian analyst November 11-13, 2016 in Radstock, UK Come and create a clay mask at Samhain, the time of year when the Cailleach, the Old Hag of Winter, makes her descent into the underworld to incubate the seeds of the new life that will emerge at Imbolc, the Celtic Spring. Using a combination of QiGong and Craniosacral work, we will deepen into our bodies to see how our energy is moving and resonating at this time in the year’s cycle. The bodywork will prepare us to meet a body of “matter” – the clay – and to make contact with the Cailleach energy. Using BodyDreaming Consciousness™, we will work with dreams and images, tracking the pathways in the body where the energy of the dream is held and inviting us into a place of healing. Fee: 370 GBP until July 31, 2016, 395 GBP after July 31, 2016 For more details about this program, go to Samhain BodyDreaming™ Coming in 2017
In Search of the Black Madonna:
![]() Encounters with the Divine Feminine
A Pilgrimage to Northern Spain with Patty Flowers and
Judy Zappacosta, MFT
Section 1: May 14-27, 2017 Section 2: September 17-30, 2017
in Northern Spain
Caring for the Soul offers this opportunity to study, visit, experience, and work with the energies of the Black Madonna on this 14-day pilgrimage to some of the oldest and most interesting sites in northern Spain. Some famous, some lesser known, they are all powerful, beloved, and an integral part of the local landscapes and culture. The experience will be enriched with history, legends, and exploration of the presence and symbolic meaning of the Black Madonnas in their varying manifestations. Connections with pre-Christian goddesses and the Great Mother of pre-history will be mined for meaning. We will bring a Jungian perspective to our inquiry and group sessions will deepen our experience through reflection, discussion, and bodysoul work including movement, creative expression, and ritual.
Fee: $5,820 USD, includes all program costs, lodging in a single room with private bathroom for 13 nights, all breakfasts, several lunches and dinners, and all travel within Spain. $5,270 USD for shared room with private bath. Enrollment limited to 15.
For more details about the May program, go to In Search of the Black Madonna A Two-Week Training Intensive
for Professionals with Judy Zappacosta, MFT
and Patty Flowers June 17-July 1, 2017
This unique two-week intensive is for those interested in Jung’s understanding of the psyche, who want to deepen their understanding of Sandplay Therapy, and who would like to work with embodied consciousness as developed by Marion Woodman. Join us for an opportunity to study and work in depth with sandplay, imagery, body presence, and your own creative process. Travel to Switzerland where sandplay was born, stay in a lovely countryside conference center surrounded by the Swiss Alps, and live for two weeks with international master teachers and a community of like-minded souls. This program offers in-depth sandplay training along with complementary experiential work with art and body awareness. It includes sandplay case presentations by exceptional faculty, small group and individual supervision and consultation, art, and Interior Rhythms: bodysoul work with dreams, movement, creative expression, and ritual. The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln is nearby, and there will be opportunities to visit and explore her meaning. This program provides 50 hours toward STA/ISST certification.
Fee: $6,410 USD, includes all program costs, several excursions, lodging in a single room with private bathroom for 14 nights and most meals. $6,070 USD for a shared room with private bathroom. Discount offered for early payment; flexible individual payment plans are available from Caring for the Soul. Enrollment is limited.
For more details about this program, go to Sandplay in Switzerland A Pre-Conference Workshop:
In the Footsteps of C.G. Jung – An Introduction to Zurich and Switzerland is offered June 14-17, 2017 |
The Marion Woodman Foundation cannot make assurances that listed programs or service providers on this website meet the needs of, or are suitable for, any particular individual. The appearance on the website of information about programs and workshop facilitators does not constitute an endorsement by the Marion Woodman Foundation. The Marion Woodman Foundation cannot be held liable for any damages or actions arising from the attendance at or use of informational materials, workshops, seminars or training programs. You, as a user of this website, acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer when you click through to a listed program or contact any of the program facilitators.