Pacifica Graduate Institute Commencement 2018
SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2018
10:00 a.m.
Directions to the Santa Barbara Hilton Beachside Resort (formerly Fess Parker Doubletree by Hilton)
From the North: Take 101 southbound to Santa Barbara. Take the Garden Street exit and make a right onto Garden Street, which will end at the waterfront (approximately 3 blocks). At the waterfront, turn left onto Cabrillo Blvd. Follow Cabrillo appx. ¼ mile. At Calle Puerto Vallarta, turn left at the light and then again left into the Doubletree parking lot. Come in the driveway, and head left, following the signs to the hotel lobby. Once you register, you can park close to where your room is located.
From the South: Take 101 North to Santa Barbara. Exit the freeway at exit 94C Cabrillo exit (this is a left side exit ramp). At the bottom of the off-ramp, turn left onto Cabrillo Boulevard. Follow Cabrillo about 1 ¾ miles. Turn right onto Calle Puerto Vallarta. The hotel entrance is the first driveway on the left. Come in the driveway, and head left, following the signs to the hotel lobby. Once you register, you can park close to where your room is located.
From the Santa Barbara Municipal Airport: COMPLIMENTARY AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE 5 AM TO 9 PM BY CALLING THE HOTEL DIRECTLY UPON ARRIVAL AT 805-564-4333. Turn right out of the airport onto William L. Moffet PL / Sandspit Road. Follow this road appx. 1/4 mile, which will curve towards the beach and under a bridge. Merge onto Ward Memorial Blvd/CA 217 North for appx. 1/2 mile. Merge onto US-101 South via the exit on the left toward Santa Barbara for appx. 10 miles. Take the Garden Street exit and make a right onto Garden Street, which will end at the beach. Turn left onto Cabrillo Blvd. Turn left onto Calle Puerto Vallarta and left into the Doubletree parking lot.
Parking and Holiday Traffic
There is ample parking space in the hotel lot and on the street. Santa Barbara area roads and highways can become quite congested during the days surrounding Memorial Day. Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive to receive your cap and gown and please remind your guest(s) to also plan accordingly.
Reception (2:00-3:00 p.m.)
A light reception will take place immediately following the ceremony outside in the beautiful Plaza near the beachside – PGIAA will be there to greet newly minted alumni/ae!!
Important Contact Information
Alumni Relations
Dianne Travis-Teague
(805) 879-7303
[email protected]
Abidi | Mansoor | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Abravanel | Daniela | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Agriesti | Marlane | Counseling Psych | MA |
Aizenstat | Alia | Counseling Psych | MA |
Albee | Tressi | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Alderson | Taylor | Counseling Psych | MA |
Alexander | Caleb | Counseling Psych | MA |
Allemand | John | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Allevato | Sam | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Alsop | Heidi | Counseling Psych | MA |
Al-Turki | Faiza | Counseling Psych | MA |
Annan Rose | Perry | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Arias | Krista | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Arkfeld | Allison | Counseling Psych | MA |
Ballin | Daniel | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Barnett | Taylor | Counseling Psych | MA |
Belton | Virginia | Depth Psych | PhD |
Bessermin | Craig | Counseling Psych | MA |
Blackwell | Allison | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Bonaduce | John | Mythological Studies | MA |
Bonavita | Anthony | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Bostian | Lisa | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Brun | Shara | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Bucher | John | Mythological Studies | MA |
Buchman | Joseph | Counseling Psych | MA |
Bui | Van Tuong | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Butler | Shanna | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Caldwell | Cynthia | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Capiral | Felipe | Counseling Psych | MA |
Carsten | Jesse | Mythological Studies | MA |
Carter | Boston | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Case | Sarah | Counseling Psych | MA |
Castellano-Hsia | Maria | Counseling Psych | MA |
Choy | Christy | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Clark | Elizabeth | Counseling Psych | MA |
Comaroto | Maryanne | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Contreras | Dulcinea | Counseling Psych | MA |
Couch | Rachel | Counseling Psych | MA |
Covi | Ida | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Crowley | Ryan | Counseling Psych | MA |
Curnyn | Lauren | Counseling Psych | MA |
Curtis | Craig | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Davison | Lauren | Counseling Psych | MA |
de las Gertz | Maria | Psychotherapy | PhD |
de Mello | Debora | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Decker | Kelly | Counseling Psych | MA |
Dee | Christina | Counseling Psych | MA |
Deerwater | Titania Indira | Engaged Humanities | MA |
DeMeola | Christina | Counseling Psych | MA |
DeWitt | Inertia | Counseling Psych | MA |
Doyle | Cleopatra | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Duke | Annie | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Dumetz | Rene | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Emrys | Wendilyn | Mythological Studies | MA |
Erickson | Jonthan | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Escobedo | Samuel | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Escue | Jessica | Mythological Studies | MA |
Exner | Amelia | Counseling Psych | MA |
Faist | Aaron | Counseling Psych | MA |
Farris | Nicole | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Ferron | Tracy | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Fielding | Lucien | Counseling Psych | MA |
Fierro | Laura | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Fisher | Evan | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Fisher | Teresa | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Flood | Elizabeth | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Foster | Rachel | Counseling Psych | MA |
Frank | Jaffa | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Freeman | Nicole | Counseling Psych | MA |
Goldson | Lisa-Ann | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Gonzalez | Sherry | Counseling Psych | MA |
Goodman | Diane | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Grant | Julia | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Green | Lori | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Hall | Benjamin | Counseling Psych | MA |
Hamilton | Amanda | Counseling Psych | MA |
Hansen | Irvin | Mythological Studies | MA |
Hanzlian Madden | Karen | Counseling Psych | MA |
Harper | Leslie | Comm Lib Ecopsych | PhD |
Hayen | Cynthia | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Heaton | James | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Henderson | Sheridan | Counseling Psych | MA |
Herrick | Michael | Counseling Psych | MA |
Hirk | Jacqueline | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Hofmeyer | Ericka | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Hornung | Kristen | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Horstman | Shalee | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Hruska | Lauren | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Innerarity | Skye | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Irias | Maryem | Counseling Psych | MA |
Irish | Rachel | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Israelyan | Hasmik | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Jackson | Danielle | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Janger | Darren | Counseling Psych | MA |
Jefferys | Thomas | Counseling Psych | MA |
Jimenez Orvananos | Jose Maria | Counseling Psych | MA |
Johnsen | Kirsten | Mythological Studies | MA |
Jones | Laura | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Jones | Jennifer | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Kamenova | Tsvetina | Counseling Psych | MA |
Kampf | Zachary | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Kaur | Kuldeep | Counseling Psych | MA |
Kelsey | Khrystine | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Khoie | Gelareh | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Kinkaid | Samantha | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Klatsky | Gabrielle | Counseling Psych | MA |
Knight | Shara | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Kramer | Amanda | Counseling Psych | MA |
Kuhar | Bridget | Counseling Psych | MA |
Laughlin | Kiley | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Lauterbach | Jeffrey | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Lazemizadeh | Bahareh | Counseling Psych | MA |
Lee-Herbert | Beth | Counseling Psych | MA |
Lefebvre | Yvonne | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Leuenberger | Elizabeth | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Leverett | Kim | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Lewis | Stacy | Counseling Psych | MA |
Literski | Nicholas | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Lounsbury | Mary | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Lovig | Heather | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Lynch | Michele | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Madden | Selena | Mythological Studies | MA |
Marelli | Madhuri | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Matin | Lyra | Counseling Psych | MA |
Mazzola | Lucia | Engaged Humanities | MA |
McCray | Jonathan | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
McEady | Betty | Depth Psych | PhD |
McGonigle | Jill | Counseling Psych | MA |
McNamara | Lauren | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Mellor | Cacky | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Mendenhall | Margaret | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Miller | Kathryn | Counseling Psych | MA |
Moir | Melanie | Counseling Psych | MA |
Narcida | Mary Gayle | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Niebergall | Brooke | Counseling Psych | MA |
O’Donnell | Adrian | Counseling Psych | MA |
Olivieri | Georgianna | Counseling Psych | MA |
Olson | Tarin | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Ortiz | Daniel | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Owens | Bordy | Mythological Studies | MA |
Paidas | Stephanie | Depth Psych | PhD |
Panchuk | Myron | Depth Psych | PhD |
Parker | Kelly | Counseling Psych | MA |
Patrick | Patricia | Depth Psych Somatics | PhD |
Pearson | Rebecka | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Perkins | Joshua | Counseling Psych | MA |
Perry | Eric | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Pesl | Katrina | Counseling Psych | MA |
Popkin | Ryan | Counseling Psych | MA |
Prung | Crystal | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Ragle | Gregory | Counseling Psych | MA |
Ramirez Mendoza | Ana Maria | Counseling Psych | MA |
Ratliff | Paul | Counseling Psych | MA |
Redding | Rachel | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Rees | Oreet | Depth Psych | PhD |
Ribotsky | Kenneth | Counseling Psych | MA |
Ridley | Timothy | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Roberson | Rian | Counseling Psych | MA |
Roccoforte | Sherly | Engaged Humanities | MA |
Ruth | Robin | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Ryan | Cate | Counseling Psych | MA |
Salomon | Colleen | Mythological Studies | MA |
Sargent | Michelle | Counseling Psych | MA |
Sawyer | Lisa | Mythological Studies | MA |
Sayyad | Maryam | Mythological Studies | MA |
Schefer | Amanda | Counseling Psych | MA |
Schlechter | Kathryn | Mythological Studies | MA |
Schwarcz-Besson | Priscille | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Seastrunk | Alexandra | Counseling Psych | MA |
Seger | James | Depth Psych | PhD |
Selkin | Dene | Counseling Psych | MA |
Selvage | Bruce | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Semerjian | Margarit | Counseling Psych | MA |
Shaw | Darian | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Sherk | John | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Sherk | Debra | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Short | Brandon | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Sidorchuk | Anna | Counseling Psych | MA |
Sivashov | Natalya | Counseling Psych | MA |
Skidmore | Robert | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Smith | David | Counseling Psych | MA |
Smith | Vanessa | Counseling Psych | MA |
Snow | Carly | Counseling Psych | MA |
Snyder | Jane | Counseling Psych | MA |
Springer | Odette | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Stier-Van-Essen | Vanya | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Stroup | Robert | Mythological Studies | MA |
Sulzer | Katherine | Mythological Studies | MA |
Svenson | ReAnn | Comm Lib Ecopsych | MA |
Tailor | Tiffinie | Counseling Psych | MA |
Thalji | Nadia | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Thom | Ryan | Counseling Psych | MA |
Tsioulos | Demitra | Counseling Psych | MA |
Turner | Linda | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Underwood | Mary | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
Urban | Dustin | Counseling Psych | MA |
Varner | Vicky Jo | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Vaughn | Jonathan | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Vincent | Christian | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Vogel | Jennifer | Counseling Psych | MA |
von Eggers | Monica | Psychotherapy | PhD |
Walton | Charles | Clinical Psych | PhD |
Warwick-Smith | Kathleen | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Wells | Janet | Depth Psych Somatics | MA |
White | Shohreh | Counseling Psych | MA |
Wiles | Carmella | Jung Arch Studies | PhD |
Wilson | Darlene | Counseling Psych | MA |
Winegarner | Andrew | Mythological Studies | MA |
Winter | Casey | Jung Arch Studies | MA |
Wolterink | Elizabeth | Mythological Studies | PhD |
Woods | Jaclyn | Counseling Psych | MA |
Zinda | Elizabeth | Comm Lib Ecopsych | PhD |