Render to Ishtar: Mythology Meets the Marketplace
I hope to demonstrate to friends, faculty, visiting scholars, present students, and alums that the themes we discuss here on campus are still driving culture. Best recent example is the pairing of Barbie the movie with Oppenheimer. Both rely on unconscious appeals to our deepest archetypes, up to and including Death. But the odd cultural pairing of two audiences imagined to have no real affinity points to a new audience. And that is good news for mythologists.
About John J. Bonaduce
John J. Bonaduce has his doctorate in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology. His specific expertise lies in his work on “mythobiogenesis” a term and theory he coined during his doctoral studies. John is currently a regular contributor to the Joseph Campbell Foundation through his writing as well as a lecturer, presenting at both academic and religious conferences.