To thank you and appreciate your dedication to our mission of anima mundi collendae gratia: for the sake of tending the soul in and of the world, we would like to gift a special $150 reduction of the conference fee.
Special Invitation to our Esteemed Alumni/ae ~
My goal is to create a therapy of ideas, to try to bring in new ideas
so that we can see the same old patterns differently.
~James Hillman
For more information, visit www.pacifica.edu or call the Public Programs Department at 805.969.3626, ext. 103.
Dear Esteemed Alumni/ae,
It is my pleasure to write personally and invite you to our upcoming 40th Anniversary celebratory event, Climates of Change and the Therapy of Ideas on April 21-24, 2016 at our Ladera Lane Campus. I am excited to share that the lineup will include internationally-renowned speakers and thinkers such as Chris Hedges, Thomas Moore, Vandana Shiva, Michael Meade, and David Miller, among many, many others.
Pacifica Graduate Institute emerged from a dream, and it was a shared vision of a collective group of diverse friends and families who brought the dream into reality. You are one of those who continue Pacifica’s important work of dreaming this vision forward today. Your voice and participation in this landmark event is important to the Pacifica community. To thank you and appreciate your dedication to our mission of anima mundi collendae gratia: for the sake of tending the soul in and of the world, we would like to gift a special $150 reduction of the conference fee.
To actualize this gift, please use the promotional code ANNIVERSARY when you register online at www.pacifica.edu or call the Public Programs Department at 805.969.3626, ext. 103. We anticipate a sold out event, so if attending this confernce is in your plans, to ensure your registration, we suggest that you register as soon as possible. For Conference schedule and program offerings please visit http://www.pacifica.edu/current-public/item/climates-of-change-and-the-therapy-of-ideas.
Please join us in this anniversary gathering to celebrate our shared accomplishments and to plant the seeds for generations of dreamers to come. And, too, if you cannot be with us in person, please follow us on Facebook to receive real-time updates of the proceedings. Your contributions over these many years to Pacifica’s service to the world is gratefully acknowledged.
With warm regards,
Stephen Aizenstat, PhD
Chancellor and Founding President
Pacifica Graduate Institute