Neora Myrow

2009 PhD Mythological Studies Described as “a female Joseph Campbell for business,” Neora unpacks how to use communication challenges as a site to create transformative, profoundly [...]


Daniel Ballin

2022 PhD DP Somatic Studies Daniel Ballin, Ph.D., LCSW, is the Clinical Director of Covenant House California, Hollywood.  Daniel supervises a team of therapists and provides individual therapy [...]


Joshua Cohen

2012 PhD Clinical Psychology Josh Cohen Ph.D. Media Psychologist Dr. Cohen is clinically trained as a researcher from Pacifica Graduate Institute and Walden University. He has experience as a [...]


Joanna Gardner

2019 PhD Mythological Studies Joanna Gardner, PhD is a writer, mythologist, and magical realist. Joanna co-founded and co-leads the Fates and Graces Mythologium, a conference for mythologists and [...]


Shannon Demuth

2008 MA Counseling Psychology Shannon Demuth, M.A., M.S., J.D. is an attorney and an Assistant Professor of Business Law and Management at Eastern New Mexico University. She earned an MA in [...]


Janiece Anjali

2019 MA Counseling Psychology Janiece Anjali (M.A. in Counseling Psychology 2019) is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice in the Pacific Northwest. She holds a M.Ed. with an [...]