Love Your Neighbor & Join Interfaith Sanctuary Alliance (ISA) Next Month!
Mar 3 – 13, 2022
The landscape of immigration in the US is confusing and ever-changing. Between continued issues of ICE presence in our communities, ever-growing numbers of asylum-seekers at the border, and an influx of Afghan refugees in the US, immigrant allies must take a stand with our immigrant neighbors.
So what can we do? JOIN US for Love Your Neighbor Week as we discuss our role as allies, stand together in our various faith traditions, and share ways to love our immigrant neighbors. Please see below for a complete schedule of events.
We hope you’ll join us as we remind our community of our sacred duty of loving our immigrant neighbors.
Love Your Neighbor Services
From Thur, Mar 3 – Sun, Mar 6, faith communities across SB County will offer Love Your Neighbor songs, prayers, sacred texts, poems, and more at their regular worship services. The following faith communities have signed up to join us so far, with more to follow! If your faith community isn’t listed yet, you can sign up at www.loveyourneighborsb.org/pledge:
- Catholic Church of the Beatitudes –www.beatitudes-sb.org
- Chalice Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Conejo Valley – www.chaliceuu.org
- Congregation B’nai B’rith – www.cbbsb.org
- Trinity Episcopal Church – www.trinitysb.org
- Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara –www.ussb.org
“What’s New In Immigrant Rights?” Webinar
Thursday, March 10 @ 5:30pm – 7:00pm: “What’s New In Immigrant Rights?” Webinar
Please join the ISA for a webinar with local immigrant rights advocates and service providers to discuss updates and action items for immigrant allies on a national, state, and local level. We will hear from representatives from the 805 Immigrant Coalition, the Immigrant Legal Defense Center, IMPORTA SB, Immigrant Hope SB, Drivers Listos, the local Border Project committee, and more. Register at loveyourneighborsb.org/new
Love Your Neighbor Virtual Vigil
Sunday, March 13 @ 4:30pm: Virtual Interfaith Vigil
Please join us for a virtual interfaith vigil in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors. At this event we will spend time in silent vigil, share prayers from different faith traditions, and provide a call to action with ways to support asylum seekers in our region. Register at loveyourneighborsb.org/vigil
The Interfaith Sanctuary Alliance: Working to ensure respect for the dignity, safety, and human rights of all people, while resisting unjust policies and practices that target immigrants. Find out more at: www.loveyourneighborsb.org