“Hearing Voices 2020” features the work of students and faculty in our Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Eco-Psychologies (CLIE) M.A./Ph.D. specialization, as we participate in transformative practices, artistic creations, and theoretical innovations going on in the communities and environments we share. We meet on campus three days a month for nine months of the year from various places in the U.S. and abroad. During the summer students are involved in fieldwork and research in sites of their own choosing based on interest, commitment, and vocation. Our program brings together community, liberation, and depth psychologies with environmental justice initiatives and indigenous epistemologies and practices in order to be part of the critical work of establishing a 21st century curriculum and practice with a growing emphasis on decoloniality. As prospective students consider applying to CLIE, their most common and pressing question is “What are graduates doing?”
A good way to get an overview of this is to read the student and alumni news section in each issue of Hearing Voices.
We are especially grateful to the incredible artists who contributed their creative inspiration to this edition.
Mary Watkins, Nuria Ciofalo, & Susan James, Core Faculty