Diversity Symposium III – This Saturday, 19 December 2020
Join us this Saturday, December 19th, 1:00-4:00 p.m. for our third Diversity Symposium.
Our conversations continue:
- Microagressions
- The truth about ‘Unconscious Bias’
- Pacifica climate regarding race
- Classroom environment
- A Dream for All: Expanding Minority Education Opportunities
- Curriculum that promotes racial justice
- Unpacking that invisible knapsack
- Racism
- Ally
- Inclusive Leadership
- What are the daily effects of white privilege?
- How can we change Pacifica at the organization level, not just individual attitudes about race?
- In what ways can we foster racial justice among students, faculty and administration?
- Leading by Example
“Words without actions are unacceptable. Returning to the status quo is no longer an option. It is time to replace racism, hate, violence, inequality, and the fickle application of the law with a reality in which we honor all as equals, including the earth and her wondrous creations. Amidst this heartbreaking and necessary national reckoning arises a vital opening for change.” ~ Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA)
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