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A Relationship in Crisis

November 3-6, 2022
(Rescheduled from November 2020)

Hotel Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico


Ours is the first generation to properly understand the damage we have been doing to our planetary household,
and probably the last generation with a chance to do something transformative about it.
—Kate Raworth

We are now painfully aware that we are destroying our shared and only home, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the dangers and fragility of our unsustainable way of life. Scientists have called the current geological epoch the Anthropocene—which began when human impact on Earth’s land, oceans, atmosphere, and ecosystems became significant. Even though we have had an inkling of the problem since the late 1800’s, consciousness is slow to dawn and behavior even slower to change. Evolution has predisposed us to respond more readily to local events, such as storms, fires, and floods, rather than to global trends, such as climate disruption and the sixth mass extinction.

We have gathered provocative and diverse thinkers, researchers, and writers in the fields of climate science, analytical psychology, eco-psychology, cultural ecology, deep ecology, environmental studies, and philosophy. Together we will explore the interconnection of all things, the personal and collective response to the climate crisis, the meaning of the pandemic, and the call to change that it has highlighted.

This conference provides an inter-active and proactive wake-up call to engagement, which begins from the moment you register with a minimal contribution to help us make this a carbon neutral conference. We aim to leave no carbon footprint from this conference, and each participant and presenter will play an active and important part in doing so.

We hope you will join us for what promises to be a significant, stimulating, and provocative weekend.

Conference Presenters
Andrew Fellows, Keynote
Deborah Egger
Stephen Foster
Nora Swan-Foster
Frances Hatfield
Lori Pye
Yuriko Sato
Jacqueline West


Contact Toni D’Anca, Conference Manager, [email protected], 805.455.9941

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