A Myth Salon with Loralee Scott, founder of the Sophia Center
The Way to Our Beyond
Moving Through the Darkness with COVID, Dragons and the Dark Feminine
Thursday May 28, 2020 at 5PM PST
In the Red Book, Jung writes about “the way to your beyond” where he offers a glimpse at the prima materia of his own inner wrestlings during a season of personal upheaval and traumatic transition. Today, as we find ourselves collectively trying to navigate the uncertainty, disorientation and forced isolation of a global pandemic, there is understandable compulsion to try to make meaning of the chaos, to find a container that will help us orient ourselves and find our footing even as the tectonic plates of collective consciousness are shifting beneath us. There is much discussion about emerging into the “new normal,” but is this a realistic expectation? What might be required of us collectively and individually to alter the cultural and conscious architecture of Western society?
In this discussion, Loralee Scott, Founder and Director of The Sophia Center for Transformative Learning, will explore the psychological orientation of the artist in navigating seasons of profound upheaval and transformation. Working with material from the Red Book, Jung’s Collected Works, Neumann’s The Creative Unconscious, myth, fairytale and wisdom traditions, Loralee will explore the possibility of moving beyond the traditionally understood hero’s journey to a more nuanced and fluid interpretation that is better adapted to an emerging consciousness.
Loralee Scott is the Founder and Director of The Sophia Center for Transformative Learning and former Executive Director of the Assisi Institute, where she designed, developed and delivered educational courses and conferences focused on a psycho-analytical understanding of creativity, trauma, and identity for professionals from around the world. She is a certified MBTI Consultant, Archetypal Pattern Analyst and sought after public speaker. Loralee has consulted with Fortune 100 Corporations in developing training programs to catalyze breakthrough creativity and organizationally sustainable transformation. She has been a featured presenter at conferences around the world including: Portugal, Russia, Italy and Australia. Her graduate studies focused on the interdisciplinary links between Jungian psychology, brain science, creativity theory, and performance art as activism. Her past artistic work includes a dance theater production focused on the global issue of human trafficking that resulted in the passage of anti-trafficking legislation. Loralee’s work around this issue is featured in an academic text published by Routledge: “Grief and The Expressive Arts”
The Myth Salon Panelists
Dr. Dana White: producer, contributing faculty – Pacifica, co-founder and host – the Myth Salon
Dr. Will Linn: director of general education – Studio School, co-founder and moderator – the Myth Salon
Dr. Dennis Slattery: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Zaman Stanizai: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Elizabeth Nelson: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Vorris Nunley: author, scholar, professor – University of California, Riverside
Dr. Selina Matthews: author, clinical depth psychologist
This is the link to register for the Myth Salon with Loralee Scott, Founder of the Sophia Center: