4th Joint International Conference IAAP-University International Association of Analytical Psychology- LUMSA University
Following the Joint Conferences hosted by the Vilnius University (May 2018), the Basel University (October 2018) and the Berlin TUB (November 2020), IAAP and AIPA are now announcing the 4th Joint Conference IAAP-University on “Narratives in Current Analytical Psychology. Studies About Mind-Body Relations, that will take place in Rome on next 22nd-23rd April 2022, hosted by LUMSA University, Via della Traspontina 21. Among the speakers: Toshio Kawai, Misser Berg, Grazina Gudaite, Vincenzo Caretti, Stefano Carta, Luigi Janiri, Anna Maria Speranza and other Italian professors.
The Conference will be in person, according to the COVID-19 prescriptions in place at the moment. The possibility to attend online will also be offered.
For the flyer click here
For the programm click here
To download the english version of the registration form click here (Send the filled form to the email address [email protected])