Depth Psychology Spring Soiree for Oregon Pacifica Alum
Date/Time: Saturday, March 12th, 2016 • 3 pm – 5 pm in Portland
Topic: The Inner World of the First Half of Life: Analytical Psychology’s Forgotten Developmental Stage
Satya Doyle Byock (MA/Counseling Psychology) calls for the integration of depth psychological wisdom—topics typically reserved for “mid-life” investigation—for those navigating complex waters at the end of their first quarter of life. As Satya writes, “The field of analytical psychology needs to attend to the implicit and oft-defended age bias within the field through expanded research and awareness regarding the ways in which the stages of life present today.” We will discuss her recently published article in Psychological Perspectives (link below) that delves into this topic and anticipate a lively discussion!
Satya is founder of Quarter-Life Counseling, a private practice specializing in analytical psychology for individuals in their 20s and 30s. She is a former staff member of the Philemon Foundation and has facilitated Delve Seminars in conjunction with Portland’s Literary Arts and the Portland Art Museum, bringing the work of Joseph Campbell and Jung’s Red Book to a wider public. https://quarterlifecounselor.
Abstract: The field of analytical psychology has largely ignored the developmental stage that Jung termed the “first half of life.” As a result, a great many individuals coming of age today, starving for guidance on how to live in relationship to their inner lives, find little that reflects them within the Jungian literature or community. This article addresses that issue, identifying some of the challenges that individuals in the first half of life face today, including the lack of traditional supports to guide their transition from childhood into adulthood, and the popularly termed “quarter-life crisis” that often marks this stage. This article also questions the assumptions within the field that tie individuation to the second half of life, and it explores the relationship with the inner world that is possible earlier in life. A link to the PDF file is provided here.
Contacts: Maura Conlon-McIvor, [email protected]<mailto:Ma