In the Footsteps of Joseph Campbell with Evans Lansing Smith
September 1-8, 2019
The second in a series of Mythological Studies Tours, this trip takes us to marvelous sites in Northern France, following the path of Joseph Campbell, in pursuit of the mysteries of the Grail Romances of the Middle Ages. From our base in Paimpont, we will explore the legendary forest of Brocéliande, birthplace of Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, and final resting place of Merlin, in the heart of Celtic Brittany. A series of day trips will take us to the stunning sites of Mont St. Michel; to Carnac to see the megalithic Avenue of the Druids; to the Château d’Angers to see the splendid Apocalypse Tapestries, the finest of the Anglo-Norman Middle Ages; and to Chartres, the most famous of all Medieval cathedrals, with its Neolithic crypt, Black Virgin, and gorgeous labyrinth. Our journey then comes full circle, when we arrive in Paris, home of the magical Unicorn Tapestries, of the numinous cathedrals of Nôtre Dame and the ethereal stained glass windows of Sainte-Chapelle, the Pantheon, and the Luxembourg Gardens. We conclude our journey with a celebratory dinner at the oldest building in Paris, home of the famed alchemist, Nicholas Flamel. Your guide along the way will be Dr. Evans Lansing Smith, who travelled along the same route with Joseph Campbell, over forty years ago, in 1976. He will offer a series of illuminated presentations focusing on the Arthurian Romances, in Quest of the Grail.
More information forthcoming. Join our mailing list to learn more.
Evans Lansing Smith, [email protected] and Toni D’Anca, [email protected]