PGIAA condemns the ruthless aggression and baseless invasion of Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
As we write this, the capital city of Kyiv, a historic, sophisticated European city about the size of Chicago, is cut off and under direct attack by Russian troops. Bombs, missiles, and invasion forces are killing innocent civilians. Food and water supplies have disappeared, electricity and transportation infrastructures have been hobbled, while residents, fleeing by car and on foot, are stranded on clogged roads and unprotected highways. Just two days ago these citizens were going to work, taking their children to schools, and shopping for food just like we do every day.
Putin has pushed his troops toward Kyiv from multiple directions, and now a massive humanitarian disaster is unfolding before the eyes of the world. Night is falling over Ukraine as people huddle in subway tunnels, basements, or on the unprotected open roads and fields. Men, women, fathers, mothers, grandparents, and even children have been forced into this unprovoked war, picking up arms at local recruitment centers, committed to fight for their lives in their very streets and homes.
On the ground in Kyiv, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky states, “This night they will launch an assault. The enemy will use all of their power on all fronts to break our defense. This night we have to stand ground. The fate of Ukraine is being decided now. This night will be difficult, very difficult. But the morning will come.”
We also want to acknowledge the bravery and strength of will of the Russian people who have risked their own safety and livelihoods by defying their government with protests and marches, knowing full well the injustice, the lies, and the ruthless aggression of their unsupported leader.
Our hearts go out to the thousands of terrified families in Ukraine tonight, and to those already lost to this war. May they feel the strength of our love and prayers, and may world leaders work together to stop this attack on the innocent, free people of Ukraine.
As students, faculty, and alumni/ae, we want to both condemn this wholly disgusting assault and also help console our community through this period of conflict. Our Pacifica Care Line continues to be open and available to anyone, and we are here to listen and support everyone we can.
Our world is challenged these days ~ PGIAA is here for you. Do not hesitate to call us if you feel in need of support: (805) 679-6163, AVAILABLE 24 HOURS/DAILY (805) 679-6163