Pacifica Diversity & Inclusion Council’s
Diversity Symposium
“As we find ourselves in the ever-changing landscape of national demographics, shifting priorities, and real tensions, the Diversity Symposium acts as an outlet to participate in critical discourse, learn new skills to engage in diversity and inclusion efforts, and celebrate the many initiatives we have invested in as a community. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are essential core values of mission and now, perhaps more than ever, we need to embrace these values as a community.”
Can we talk –
• Microagressions
• The truth about ‘Unconscious Bias’
• Pacifica climate regarding race
• Classroom environment
• A Dream for All: Expanding Minority Education Opportunities
• Curriculum that promotes racial justice
• Unpacking that invisible knapsack
• Racism
• Ally
• Inclusive Leadership
- What are the daily effects of white privilege?
- How can we change Pacifica at the organization level, not just individual attitudes about race?
- In what ways can we foster racial justice among students, faculty and administration?
- Leading by Example
Join us on Zoom August 29th at 12:00 Noon (Pacific Time):
Meeting ID: 914 4138 1415
Passcode: 383962
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Meeting ID: 914 4138 1415
Find your local number:https://zoom.us/u/abvOPLrW8o