Greetings Dear Alumni/ae,
Today is summer solstice when the sun shines longest and the year reaches its apex. It reminds me of some lines from a lovely poem by e.e. cummings entitled I Thank You God:
i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
We are all so fortunate to be on this amazing journey! Even when we encounter the trials and tribulations of daily life or the many injustices around the globe, the world calls out to us to remain grateful…grateful for all the blessings we have and share together.
One area in which I find it easy to be filled with gratitude is the Pacifica Family. When I think of the members of my cohort, all the alums I’ve met, and all the Faculty who shared their wisdom with me, I feel filled with appreciation and a desire to give back to our community. Personally, one of the ways I have done that is by being involved with the Alumni Association and I would like to invite you to become involved as well. The Board of the Alumni Association is hard at work setting up our committees, plans, and activities and we would like to invite you to join us. We hope you will become a member and join in on the fun!
I also have another source of inspiration and gratitude and that is our beloved Dianne Travis-Teague, the Director of Alumni Relations, who has done so much to get our Association up and running over the past few years. Dianne’s tireless devotion to the alumni of Pacifica is breathtaking! For the many of you who know Dianne, I hope you will join with me as I celebrate the dedication and compassion of our dear friend.
In service,
Charles Caldwell