• Alumni In Action •
We publish. We teach. We transform. We heal.
The original website of the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) included a section titled “Alumni In Action” that served as a blog roll of testimonials, remembrances, and comments on student experiences exploring, attending, and reflecting on Pacifica. We include that section here — with an invitation for your submissions of further offerings under our current “Alumni In Action” section.
Becoming A Hero Within Our Own Stories
Dr. Kwame Scruggs
YouTube video description | originally posted 28 Nov 2011
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)
Towards Beginnings: Images of End
| originally posted 24 Jan 2013
The Journal of Archetypal Studies team — Gustavo Beck (M.A. Mythological Studies, 2009), Ipek S. Burnett (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2010), Christopher Green (M.A. Mythological Studies, 2009), Michelle Kurta (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2011), Eugenio Ordóñez (Ph.D. Depth Psychology, 2012), Roxanne Partridge (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2010), and Jordan Shapiro (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2010) — announces the publication of Towards Beginnings: Images of End.
In this volume, writers, many of them Pacifica alumni, have considered why thinking on beginnings and endings is crucially important today, and move us to rethink both how we choose to interact with this topic, and how our behavior in our current local and global environments will indelibly give way to new (as of now, unforeseeable) beginnings. Utilizing theoretical, imaginal, arts-based, and embodied methodologies, images worked through were: the Arab Spring, migration, apocalypse, rubble, the 9/11 memorial, evolution, Beloved’s violent love, archetypal psychotherapy, post-Katrina ninth ward, and packaging. The book will be available at the Pacifica Bookstore, and also via Amazon.
Depth Psychology as radical business practice
| originally posted 14 Jan 2013
Jordan Shapiro (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2010) tells readers of his Forbes column that Depth Psychology’s James Hillman and Carol Pearson are authors to read if your interest is radical business practices. Click to read his article “3 Radical Business Books You Haven’t Read. Plus, the Meaning of Innovation.”
Depth Psychology of guns in America
| originally posted 14 Jan 2013
Bonnie Bright (M.A. Depth Psychology, 2010) interviews Dr. Glen Slater of Pacifica Graduate Institute for Depth Insights Radio on the subject of The Roots of Mass Shootings: A Depth Psychological Look at Gun Violence in America.
Slater’s Spring Journal article “The Mythology of Bullets” is included as a downloadable PDF.
Mythic Threads: Fibers of Destiny and Magic Found in Balinese Textiles, January 17
| originally posted 10 Jan 2013
Pamela Bjork (Ph.D. Mythological Studies, 2012) presents Mythic Threads: Fibers of Destiny and Magic Found in Balinese Textiles, an enchanting exhibit of Balinese textiles and leads discussion on the myth of Indra as explored in Joseph Campbell’s Myths of Light. This Joseph Campbell Mythological RoundTable will be held at Pacifica’s Ladera Lane campus on Thursday, January 17, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. The event is hosted by Opus Archives & Research Center. There is no charge and no reservation needed.
Guest talk for Mythological Studies students, 8 and 15 January
| originally posted 7 Jan 2013
The New York Times bestselling author Selden Edwards, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2002), serves as a guest speaker this month for Winter Quarter students of the Mythological Studies program. Selden speaks 8 January for E-track students and 15 January for G-track students, each day at 6 p.m. in South Hall.
21 December Virtual Ritual
| originally posted 20 Dec 2012
Christina Carney, M.A. Engaged Humanities, 2010) organizes a virtual ritual open to all on 21 December to mark the occasion of the Winter Solstice and the end of the Mayan calendar. Via Christina’s Facebook event, participants post and witness intentions: “I will make the first post on Friday that will include one thing I would like to end or finish, and then set an intention of one thing I would like to begin,” Christina explains. “Stop in any time on Friday (into Saturday morning) to post your own intentions.”
Teleseminar grapples with culture of violence, 20 December
| originally posted 19 Dec 2012
Bonnie Bright, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010) moderates “Beyond Horror and Hope: The Archetypal Intersection of Innocence and Evil,” an exploratory conversation with Jungian analyst Michael Conforti, Ph.D., in response to the Sandy Hook, CT, school shooting.
The teleseminar is set for Thursday 20 December 2012, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. PT, and will be archived for later access. The teleseminar is free but requires registration to participate.
Pacifica on the East Coast, 21 January
| originally posted 18 Dec 2012
Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2004) hosts an information meeting on 21 January at New York Open Center in Manhattan to present Pacifica’s new bi-coastal degree programs in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. Offering accredited M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, the program starts a new session this Spring and includes residential sessions on both coasts. For details about the program and the January 21 information event, click here.
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Seven Sisters Stellar Solstice Ceremony: El Cerrito, 21 December
| originally posted 17 Dec 2012
Bronton Cheja, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology, 1992) reads ritual poetry at the Seven Sisters Stellar Solstice Ceremony on 21 December 2012 in El Cerrito, CA. Held at Hillside Community Church, with doors opening at 6:30 p.m., the ceremony includes healing rituals.
Book launch for The Soul of the Nurse: Santa Barbara, 14 December
| originally posted 3 Dec 2012
Elizabeth Ann Robinson, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2011) celebrates the launch of her new book. A love letter to nurses infused with Elizabeth’s pure, audacious, and original voice, The Soul of the Nurse blends her personal story and uncanny love of profession with information every nurse should know about her roots. The book launch takes place in the Balboa Building Amphitheater, 735 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, on Friday 14 December 2012 at 4 p.m. Jonathan Young, Ph.D., introduces Elizabeth at 4 p.m. sharp. Elizabeth will give a short presentation followed by refreshments and book signing.
Dream Tending in Utah, December
| originally posted 27 Nov 2012
Machiel Klerk, M.A. (Counseling Psychology, 2008) curates the Dream Tending presentations of Pacifica Chancellor and Founding President Steve Aizenstat through The Jung Society of Utah in December 2012. The events, to be held in Salt Lake City, include an evening lecture on Friday 7 December, and an all-day workshop on Saturday 8 December 8. Pacifica alumni are invited to enjoy a 10% discount on tickets to the workshop (discount code: pacifica).
Alchemy receives National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award
| originally posted 17 Nov 2012
Kwame Scruggs, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2009) accepst a National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award on Monday from First Lady Michelle Obama in honor of the work of his organization, Alchemy, Inc. Scruggs founded the organization in 2003 to work with urban adolescent boys, employing mentors, storytelling, mythology, and African drumming to guide youth toward success as members of family, school, and community. Jim Carney’s article “Alchemy after-school program wins national honor” in the Akron Beacon Journal offers details. Learn more at Kwame’s Alumni Profile.
Liminal Space fall workshop series
| originally posted 24 Oct 2012
KD Farris, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2012) leads a series of workshops exploring Liminal Space: A Passageway to Transformation. Meetings through December at various Southern California locations including Malibu, Huntington Beach, and Woodland Hills.
Nurse as Archetype at the Analytical Psychology Society of Western New York, 26 October
| originally posted 12 Oct 2012
Elizabeth Ann Robinson, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2011) presents a lecture and in-depth journey into the nurse archetype as gleaned from her experiences both as a registered nurse and as a recent graduate of Pacifica’s Mythological Studies program. The lecture, open to members of the C.G. Jung Center as well as the general public, will be held 26 Oct 2012.
Traveling Through History, West Hollywood, 30 September
| originally posted 26 Sept 2012
The New York Times bestselling author Selden Edwards, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2002) participates in “Traveling Through History,” a panel convening at 2 p.m.in the Fiction Pavilion at West Hollywood Library and Park on Sunday 30 September 2012 as part of the West Hollywood Book Fair.
“Creative Mythologies & Paris” in September 2012
| originally posted 28 July 2012
Cheryle Van Scoy, M.A. (Mythological Studies, 2006) joins Evans Lansing Smith and Mary Sequoia Hamilton as hosts of “Creative Mythologies & Paris,” an eight-day workshop in Paris that pairs tours of the city with presentations on mythology, writing, literature, and the arts. The tour complements many others presented by Global Writing Adventures.
An analysis of Catwoman
| originally posted 24 July 2012
Charlyne Gelt, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology, 2001) offers readers of WestsideToday.com a Depth Psychological analysis of Catwoman as portrayed by actress Julie Newmar: “Catwoman is the eternal story of patient, nurturing women living a life of tolerance and humility. They have learned to survive in a patriarchal society by masking the true Self.”
Occupy Psyche
| originally posted 17 July 2012
Jordan Shapiro, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010) and Roxanne Partridge, M.A. Depth Psychology, 2011) edit Occupy Psyche, a collection of essays from The Journal of Archetypal Studies that examines the Occupy Movement from a Depth Psychology perspective. Contributors include alums Jennifer Leigh Selig, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2004), Christopher Green, M.A. (Mythological Studies, 2009), Gustavo Beck Urriolagoitia. M.A. (Mythological Studies, 2009), Bonnie Bright, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010), Jason Sugg, M.A. (Counseling Psychology, 2012), Eugenio Ordonez, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010), and Ipek S. Burnett, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010).
Kelly Carlin’s take on life with her iconic comedian father
| originally posted 13 June 2012
Kelly Carlin-McCall, M.A. (Counseling Psychology, 2004) performs her new solo show “A Carlin Home Companion: Life, Love, and Laughter with George” on 15 June at Up Comedy Club in Chicago. In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Kelly explains how the study of Depth Psychology figured in understanding the family issues that inform her performances: “I wanted to finally understand the full landscape and the human journey and the human psyche in general. I’ve always been fascinated by the inner life and what it takes to change and transform and how that then affects our outer life in the world.”
The state of terrapsychology on Depth Insights Radio
| originally posted 30 May 2012
Bonnie Bright (, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010) speaks with Craig Chalquist (, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2003) in the latest offering from Depth Insights Radio.
Craig discusses Terrapsychology: Earthrise, Mythic Image, and the Psychology of Place à la Joseph Campbell. Bonnie hosts the interview series as part of her work as founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance.
“King David’s Individuation Process Seen through a Kabbalistic Lens”
| originally posted 29 May 2012
Mel Gottlieb (, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2000) publishes her article “King David’s Individuation Process Seen through a Kabbalistic Lens” in Volume 55, Issue 2, of Psychological Perspectives: A Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought, a special edition focusing on C.G. Jung and the Kabbalah.
Rites of Passage: The President, Barnard, and Me
| originally posted 16 May 2012
Sharon Johnson, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2012) contributes “Rites of Passage: The President, Barnard, and Me” for Essence.com about her experience seeing President Obama at this year’s commencement events at Barnard College.
Munch’s “The Scream” still echoes after more than a century
| originally posted 2 May 2012
Margot Adler of NPR’s Morning Edition quotes Ana Mozol, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology, 2006), as an expert for a story on the enduring significance of Edvard Munch’s famous painting The Scream. One of the artist’s four versions of the painting comes up for auction tonight at Sotheby’s New York.
“Myths for Modernity” at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago
| originally posted 13 Apr 2012
Katherine Greenwood, M.A. (Mythological Studies, 2008) presents at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago on the topic Myths for Modernity: The Enduring Relevance of the Goddesses in the Greek Pantheon. The event is scheduled for 22 May 2012.
Active Imagination: Discovering the Wonder and Wisdom of Inner Life
| originally posted 11 Apr 2012
Nancy Galindo, Ph.D. (Depth Psychology, 2007) leads a two-day workshop at Pacifica focused on the experience and practice of C.G. Jung’s method of active imagination. The workshop runs from 30 June to 1 July 2012. Participants will experience and explore active imagination as an independent practice that has ancient roots, and is known to cultivate psychological health and inner vision.
Five tips for maintaining career calling
| originally posted 10 Apr 2012
Ed Santana. M.A. (Counseling Psychology, 2008) shares five tips with Global Toronto for maintaining fulfillment at work. The interview is offered in the wake of a new study by Montreal researchers reporting that sticking with one job for too long can lead to emotional and physical burnout.
How to recognize a psychopath
| originally posted 4 Apr 2012
Aaron Kipnis, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology, 1992) is interviewed via Jung Platform on the nature of violence and the rise of the psychopath in American culture. Aaron looks at how violence moves in some individuals from “normal” violence to predatory violence and how that creates psychopathology. He also offers tips on how to recognize a psychopath. Jung Platform has released the 26-minute video as a free archived event via its website.
Stories from Opus Archive and Research Center on Depth Insights Radio
| originally posted 3 Apr 2012
Bonnie Bright, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2010) interviews Safron Rossi, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies. 2009) in the latest offering from Depth Insights Radio. Safron shares stories from the Opus Archives and Research Center, which serves as home of the manuscript and archival collections of nine important scholars including Joseph Campbell and James Hillman. Bonnie hosts the interview series as part of her work as founder of the Depth Psychology Alliance.
Mythic Clean Slate Diaries in Central New York on 28 April
| originally posted 31 Mar 2012
Christina Carney, M.A. (Engaged Humanities, 2010) serves as both an organizer and an exhibitor at this year’s Clean Slate Diaries, an evening of art, music, dance, and spoken word organized to honor survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. Christina shows pages from a visual journal of personal discovery that was created as part of her Master’s Degree capstone project. Clean Slate Diaries happens on Saturday 28 April 2012 at the May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society in Syracuse, New York).
“Nourishing the Addict’s Body” presentation 30 March
| originally posted 23 Mar 2012
Victoria Abel, M.A. (Counseling Psychology, 2002) presents a review of cutting-edge research on how effective nutrition strategies can increase addiction recovery outcomes. The 30 March 30 presentation forms part of a day of events at Prescott College Crossroads Center in Prescott, Arizona, that includes a tasting of recommended foods and a holistic look at the relationship between nutrition and addiction.
Marija Gimbutas and the Goddess
| originally posted 23 Mar 2012
Maureen Murdock, Ph.D., (Mythological Studies, 2011) contributed the article “Marija Gimbutas and the Goddess” for the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion to be published by Springer in July 2012. Maureen’s work is the related to a New Mythos Research Grant she received from Opus Archives and Research Center.
Leadership: Reimagining, Renewing, Reinventing conference at Pacifica in June 2012
| originally posted 16 Mar 2012
Cathy Diorio, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2010) and Willow Young (M.A. Counseling Psychology, 1995) are scheduled facilitators at Leadership: Reimagining, Renewing, Reinventing, a public conference presented 8-10 June 2012 by Pacifica Graduate Institute. Cathy leads the workshop Finding Feminine Voice in A Corporate World: An Archetypal Exploration of Women, Leadership, and Authenticity. Willow co-facilitates Social Dreaming Matrix: Dreams Speaking to Dreams. For further details, download the conference program.
Nurse as Archetype at the Analytical Psychology Society of Western New York in April 2012
| originally posted 5 Mar 2012
Elizabeth Ann Robinson, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2011) presents a lecture and in-depth journey into the nurse archetype as gleaned from her experiences both as a registered nurse and as a recent graduate of Pacifica’s Mythological Studies program. The lecture, open to members of the C.G. Jung Center as well as the general public, will be held Friday 20 April 2012.
Developing an Innovation Culture live webinar 28 March
| originally posted 4 Mar 2012
Ginger Grant, Ph.D. (Mythological Studies, 2005) and The Conference Board of Canada lead an interactive seminar on organizational change strategies. The Developing an Innovation Culture webinar provides “tools that you need to design and implement an innovative corporate culture that maximizes the contribution of everyone within the organization.”
TFT Trauma Healing in Rwanda
| originally posted 1 Mar 2012
Barbara Stone, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology, 1995) presents the work of Dr. Lori Leyden’s Project LIGHT Rwanda, which conducts humanitarian work with survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The Rwandan civil war in the 1990s produced severe Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in genocide survivors, who were left with brutal physical and emotional scars. Barbara, a psychotherapist and author, traveled to Rwanda in 2009 with a group of humanitarian volunteers for Project LIGHT Rwanda to work with these survivors using a variety of energy therapies including Thought Field Therapy (TFT), a non-invasive system which stimulates acupressure points on the body’s meridians to release trauma and restore balance, promoting the body’s own ability to heal. As part of a speaking tour, Barbara presents at Unity Church of Santa Barbara on Friday 9 March 2012. This program has been approved for six hours of Social Work Continuing Education. Contact Barbara at [email protected].
Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil
| originally posted 1 Mar 2013
Charlotte Babb (M.A. Engaged Humanities, 2008) authors the novel Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil, ≥defunct link: item not in store<, scheduled for release March 30, 2012.
Alumni Profiles tell the Pacifica story
| originally posted 27 Feb 2012
The Alumni Association of Pacifica Graduate Institute [now PGIAA] is proud to now feature Alumni Profiles that share stories of Pacifica experiences. Initially, an online collection of stories from Pacifica’s program in Depth Psychology was collected at depthstories.com and maintained by alum and core faculty member Jennifer Selig (Ph.D. Depth Psychology, 2004). In collaboration with this effort, the Alumni Association welcomes those stories to their new home here on this website, as well as extends the story-sharing effort to all of Pacifica’s academic degree programs.
The Passionate Filmmaker at Esalen in April 2012
| originally posted 27 Feb 2012
Corinne Bourdeau (M.A. Engaged Humanities, 2010) co-leads The Passionate Filmmaker, an Esalen workshop for artists seeking strategy and community while pursuing projects with political justice, environmental, personal growth, or spirituality themes. The workshop runs the weekend of April 27-29, 2012.
New manager for Sarah House of Santa Barbara
| originally posted 5 Jan 2012
Stephen Jones (Ph.D. Depth Psychology, 2011) has been named manager of Sarah House ≥http://www.sarahhousesb.org≤ in Santa Barbara, according to the Santa Barbara News-Press. Jones succeeds Debbie McQuade, one of the facility’s visionaries who is retiring after 20 years of service. Sarah House is Santa Barbara’s eight-bedroom hospice facility for low-income individuals and those living with AIDS.
Beyond Survival: Guide to a Creative Life
| originally posted 1 Jan 2012
Catherine Ann Jones (M.A. Mythological Studies, 2003) begins a new six-week online course on creativity starting January 17, 2012. The course is presented via the website DailyOm.com.