Pacifica Graduate Institute: An Alumni Tribute to 40 Years of Tending Soul in and of the World
Pacifica peeps, the alumni book project is complete–here’s a link to it on Amazon. In addition to alumni tributes, the 276-page book also contains photographs of both beloved campuses and icons (including Boots the cat!), and including photographs of old catalogue covers and Public Programs brochures; speeches and interviews from newsletters from the past; a history of both Pacifica and the alumni association; a foreword by Steve Aizenstat and head of the alumni association, Dianne Travis-Teague.
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From the foreword: “In these pages you will find reflections of those who have been touched by something more than a graduate education. Here you will find heart-felt expressions of a love for a tradition . . . a lineage extending back to the storytellers of the past and reaching forward to the dreamers of the future. Between these covers you will touch into the animating psyche of a living institution as told through the experiences of her Alums. On this, our 40th Anniversary, many tell of their journey, their voyage through the generative waters of the deep psyche so alive at Pacifica. Through writings, personal stories, images, memories, and more, many of our Alums offer something of their calling, expressions of how the soul of Pacifica has touched their soul and how their service to the world has been shaped by what lives in this extraordinary learning community, whose motto is Anima Mundi Colendae Gratia, for the sake of tending soul in and of the world.” From the foreword by Dr. Stephen A. Aizenstat Founding President and Chancellor, Pacifica Graduate Institute