As Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Director of Alumni Relations, Dianne Travis-Teague facilitates collaborations between the Office of the Chancellor and the Alumni Association to extend and nurture the Pacifica experience in the world. News & Notes collects her posts to Pacifica’s growing family of alums.
One Year Later!
| originally posted on 19 Oct 2012
Good evening, and welcome to the Alumni Association of Pacifica — One Year Later! That has a distinctive ring, doesn’t it? One year later. We made it! Congratulations all. I’m sure that most of you remember the year gone by, but we wanted to share some of the highlights.
Click on the video to watch my video blog!
Collected here, with posting dates, are observations made in the “Comments” section included with the original appearance of this article at the initial website of Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association. Please feel welcome to offer additional notes in the current “Comments” function.
Ann DeRosa | 5 Dec 2012
So well done, Dianne! Thanks for this and all you do!
Eugene Ahn | 20 Oct 2012
Alumni Association screening “A Dangerous Method” in Barrett Center any moment now…
website visitor | 20 Oct 2012
Dearest Dianne,
Thank you, as always, for your enormous efforts. It is wonderful to watch this video and reflect on all the success of the past year. Amazing feats in such a short period of time! Kudos