On Saturday, August 9th Chancellor and Founding President Dr. Stephen Aizentat will be presenting “Mixed Realities: The Fate of the Dream in the Future of a Cyber World” at the 2017 Eranos Conference in Ascona, Switzerland. Read a brief synopsis of Dr. Aizenstat’s presentation here:
“We live in a world dependent on the digital code of algorithms. Highly complex systems of cyber technology are replacing human imagination and expression, once rooted in the organicity of the Ani…ma Mundi, the soul of the world. Advanced machines, cyborgs, have attained high level capabilities of consciousness (e.g., intelligence, attention, autonomy, and intention). At lightning speed, the future of human experience will be located in a matrix of virtual, augmented, and mixed realties. The fate of the dream, originating in the mystery of psyche, is challenged by the take-over of the programmer’s digital code. In this talk, I will explore the dynamic tension between the innate intelligence of the living dream, rooted in the ‘Mundus Imaginalis,’ and the artificial intelligence of the cyber image, located in the vast ‘Network of Technology.’ Working with particular approaches from Dream Tending as well as actual tools of computer technology, I will invite participants to ‘see-through’ into the future of life on our planet and, too, the fate of the dream. In a world increasingly dominated by the influence of machines, where is the peril and where is the promise?”
Learn more about this gathering place for scholars and thinkers such as: Carl Gustav Jung, Rudolf Otto, Mircea Eliade, Karl Kerényi, Erich Neumann, Adolf Portmann and several other key figures by visiting http://bit.ly/2f4mxdo
Photos – Opening Luncheon-Thursday, September 7, 2017
Dr. Stephen F. Aizenstat
Dr. Doug Thomas