Book Title: The Archetypal Artist: Reimagining Creativity and the Call to Create
Year Published: 2022
The Archetypal Artist: Reimagining Creativity and the Call to Create
In this thoughtful and revelatory book, Wood explores enduring and powerful theories on art, creativity, and what Jung called the “creative spirit” in order to illuminate how artists can truly understand what it means to be a creator.
By bringing together insights on creativity from some of depth psychology’s most iconic thinkers, such as C.G. Jung, James Hillman, and Joseph Campbell, as well as featuring a selection of creators who have been influenced by these ideas, such as Martha Graham, Mary Oliver, Stanley Kunitz, and Ursula K. Le Guin, this book explores archetypal thought and the role of the artist in society. This unique approach emphasizes the foundational need to understand and work with the unconscious forces that underpin a creative calling, deepening our understanding of the transformational power of creativity, and the vital role of the artist in the modern world.
Acting as a touchstone for inquiries into the nature of creativity, and of the soul, this enlightening book is perfect for artists and creators of all types, as well as Jungian analysts and therapists, and academics interested in the arts, humanities, and depth psychology.
About Mary Antonia Wood
Pacifica Program Graduate: M.A. Depth Psychology & Creativity Program
Mary Antonia Wood, PhD, is Chair and Professor for the Depth Psychology and Creativity program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA. She is a visual artist who works in a variety of media and is founder of Talisman Creative Mentoring.