Book Title: Serpent in the Cellar: Love and Death in Life and Myth
Year Published: 2022
Serpent in the Cellar: Love and Death in Life and Myth
The Serpent is a complex moral archetype in mythology. As the Viper, it is a dark force lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. As a sacred mediary, it may represent the power of healing and perpetual life, or the wisdom of the gods.
The Serpent on the Tree of Morality weaves the mythological fabric of moral development underlying the three Abrahamic religions. While the institutional ideologies often lose this thread, the authentic myth is vitally an ancient psychology of lovefounded on empathy, altruism, generosity, and support within the inclusive boundaries of a universal human family uninhibited by caste, custom, conduct, or creed.
Serpent In the Cellar explores the psychodynamics of this ancient psychology to reveal the deeper pathways of personal power and prosocial morality-cultivating a mature conscience, strengthening trust in community, and inspiring genuine love for one another.
About Tom Strelow
Pacifica Program Graduate: 1997 MA in Counseling Psychology with Emphasis on Depth Tradition (Summers Overseas)
As a scholar and explorer, Tom has endeavored to probe the essence of human experience and relationship through the lens of depth and experiential psychologies, mythology, philosophy, history, and religious studies in an attempt to map the topography of the archetypal soul. He earned his MA in Counseling Psychology with Emphasis on Depth Tradition from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, CA). In addition, he has a Certificate in Drama Therapy from the Drama Therapy Institute of Los Angeles and a Certificate in Experiential Psychologies from Trees of Life Institute (Santa Barbara, CA). Elsewise, he has acted as CEO and Principal Consultant for Ultrablue Consulting for over 20 years, having earned his BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from UCLA.
Additional info: Publisher site: media.xrysalus.com
Book site: serpent.xrysalus.com