Where do you live?
Warrenton, Virginia.
What brought you to Pacifica?
The time was right and ripe to fulfill a lifelong dream, and the uniqueness of the program appealed to me.
How has your Pacifica degree served you professionally in your occupation or your vocation?
The degree itself has lent a certain amount of caché. But what lies behind and underneath the degree is really what matters, and that has re-animated and advanced my curiosity.
How has your degree served you personally?
I’m just proud to have been and hope to continue to be a part of the Pacifica community.
What was a particularly meaningful or memorable part of the Pacifica experience for you?
Being in a community of like-minded individuals and contained within an environment that fostered such like-mindedness and the sharing of ideas.
What is the title of your dissertation?
Between the Frying Pan and the Fire: The Intermundia of Clergy Transitioning Out of Parish Ministry.
Would you like to mention any other publications?
“Animectomy Complex,” “Bion and ‘O’,” “Communitas,” “Hanging/Hanging God,” “Hierosgamos,” “Revelation,” and “Uroboros” articles in the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (2010); “Apologia Pro Intermundia Sua” in The Journal of Religion and Health (December 2007); numerous other articles in journals and books published during and prior to the Pacifica experience..
What are your areas of interest?
Working with clergy who are transitioning out of parish ministry, with clergy who are not leaving but are in need of soulful spiritual renewal, and with church judicatories to understand the vicissitudes of the transition that constantly occurs in the lives of their ordained leaders’ lives.
I am also writing a memoir regarding trigeminal neuralgia and my own successful right retrosigmoid craniotomy and craniectomy, endoscopic vascular decompression of the right trigeminal nerve, microdissection, complex dural repair, and cranioplasty that I underwent on February 18, 2009.