Who is Jet Bland?
I am a teacher who stands in witness to joy and well being in life.
What is your current occupation?
I currently coordinate ArcheMythia (ArcheMythia.com), a triad of businesses in the arts and sciences. Its goal is to deliver solutions that harmonize the psyches of people and projects.
What is your dissertation title?
Kabbalistic Motifs in the Jewish Love Poem, Lecha Dodi: A Hermeneutical Analysis
Tell us about your work
ArcheMythia brings together InkPaperBeauty (@InkPaper_Beauty), GAI+A (Global Adytum Institute+Academy, and BlissNKarmaOut! – Services for the Psyche and Soul. In InkPaperBeauty, I create secular and sacred works of art, primarily through calligraphy that intersects with graphic art. Its secular aspect explores visual rhythms and geometries of letters. Its sacred way creates ritual documents according to rigorous and meticulous protocols. In GAI+A, I contract my public speaking engagements, provide classes and workshops, and write books. BlissNKarmOut! is the home of my active spiritual work where I provide healing and cleansing services authorized through greater Mystery School initiations, teachings, and trainings.
Would you like to mention any other publications? Beyond Gender: The Shekhina in Everyday Life is the working title of the book that re-sources my dissertation through Talmudic and Hebrew scholarly research. The Twenty-two Letters of the Hebrew Alef-Bet is another current work in progress. Currently on Amazon.com is my cognitive behavioral therapy-based journal, Awakening!, and its companion, Train the Trainer – Awakening!
How/Why did you get into this line of work?
I got into this line of work through the process of lifelong alchemic distillation. At age six I created a neighborhood book club called, The Golden Pen Club (our colors were black and gold). I was raised from age ten as a classical bassoonist and was trained as a concert/orchestral musician, later evolving into jazz studies and performance. From age sixteen I received training and specific initiations in the Chisti Order of Sufism, Mahayana Buddhism, and numerous Mystery School Traditions. I returned to Judaism as a ba’alat teshuva and currently hold ordination as a Leader and Teacher/Rabbi through fifteen years of direct teaching with a personal Rabbi.
It was from this background, merged with degrees and higher academic work in Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Education, Ethnomusicology, and Public Administration that I realized soul, harmony, quantum physics, and life itself share and (for me) exist, as I noted in my dissertation defense, as common water in the eyes of Shiva (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoG9J3TXwcA). It is my purpose then, to live and create for the greater good and harmony of all life. Through, ArcheMythia, I make this purpose possible in my own way.
What brought you to Pacifica?
I first heard of Pacifica from a dear friend, Dr. Madeleine Houston, who graduated from Pacifica’s first Myth class. I feel her interest and brilliance planted the karmic seed that would call me through a series of synchronistic events, culminating with The Walk across our School’s graduation stage in 2014.
What is the most recent development of your work? In InkPaperBeauty I am delving into more alchemy and creating inks from ancient recipes that are helping me to renew my interest in botany. GAI+A periodically posts new classes and workshops in alignment of self with Nature. I was a keynote speaker at Neighborhoods USA National Convention, May, 2019.
What are your areas of interest?
Physics, music, breath-work, hiking barefoot (Earthing/Grounding), travel, meditation, and interacting with people who are passionate about what they do.
Has there been a defining inspiration or idea that made you decide to take the direction you did? The death of my parents inspired me to take on their legacy of embracing life in their own, individual ways, and making a change in the world. My Mum saw my M.A. but died before my PhD. My Dad, spiritual guide that he was, died decades before but served, and continues to serve, as a strong influencer in all that I pursue today. My daughter is a fierce force of love in my life who inspires me continually to be True and in tune with the world.
How has your Pacifica degree served you professionally in your occupation or your vocation?
Pacifica carries with it a cache that helps opens doors for me that otherwise might be quite difficult. The core culture and philosophy of Pacifica is such a necessary voice in today’s world. My degree serves me with opportunities to be a spokesperson who stands in service on the shoulders of dream and world soul tenders who brought and continue to bring Pacifica into constant Being.
Concluding thoughts
The science of energy and the art of belief systems find Voice in the corporeal realm.